Vahid Ghasemi – PhD Student


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAPhD Program in Economics and Business

Curriculum Vitae



I was born in a town called Mianeh in wonderful East Azerbaijan state of IRAN. I studied at the Secondary School located in my own town. I have completed Bachelor degree in Architecture and Master Degree in Geography and Urban Planning at University of Tabriz in Iran. I have been ongoing as PhD student in Economic and Business since 2014 year at University of Cagliari. My research Interests are dedicated to tourism industry and e-marketing.

I would describe myself as a very determined and highly motivated person. I’m also a realist and I cope well when the going gets tough. I would say I’m a positive and enthusiastic person – and I relish a challenge.

It would be enjoyable to collaborate with leading professors of EU. Meanwhile, I think life is full of new experiences that I still need to achieve them. As regards, selecting Italy in general and University of Cagliari particularly could be wonderful journey to me in the life and my career. Also I believe that the strong hospitality of Cagliari’s people and amiable atmosphere which they are created in the city aid me to make available path for the aims.

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