CV Dehbia Benkerrou


nationality: algerian


Education and training:


11/2014 – Present: PHD Student – Dept of Physics, University of Cagliari 
Cittadella Universitaria S.P. Monserrato-Sestu Km 0.700, 09042 Monserrato (CA) (Italy)

01/2014 – 06/2014:
Master 2 Internship – University of Cagliari (Italy)

“The transportation of imipenem through a Specific porin of Acinetobacter baumanii by a molecular dynamics study”

2012 – 2014:
Master 2 In Silico Drug Design – Paris Diderot- Paris 7 University, Paris

Master 2 Internship – DSIMB, INTS (Institut de transfusion Sanguine), Paris (France)

“Study of transport properties rhCG protein by free energy calculations and evaluation of the impact of mutations”

Master2 (Structure, function and protein engineering) internship – Centre de Biochimie structurale, Montpellier (France)

“Structural and functional modularity of the COP9 signalosome complex Human”

Diploma Proteins Biochemistry – Pasteur Institue, Paris (France)

“Electrophoresis SDS page, Absorption Spectroscopy, Cell fractionation, Culture of Bacterial Cells, Western blot, pull down”

Master 1 & 2 – Paris Diderot-Paris 7 University, Paris (France)

“Biochemistry Cell Therapeutic Targets” specialty “Structure, function and protein engineering”

Graduate degree Internship – Abderrahmane Mira University, Bejaia (Algeria)

“Extraction of essential oils, polyphenols, from local medicinal plants by thin layer chromatography”


Personal Skills:

Mother tongue(s): Kabyle

Other language(s): French, English


Computer skills:

Structural Bioinformatics: Visualisation (Pymol, VMD), Molecular modeling (Modeller) , Molecular dynamics simulations (GROMACS, CHARMM, AMBER).

Docking: Protein-Ligand (Dock, AutoDock). Virtual Screening: Surflex, Vina

Data analysis (R), O.S: Windows, Unix/Linux. Initiation to programmating with R and Python.





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