Marta Szydłowska – PhD Student


foto szydlowska

PhD Student in Molecular Medicine


Curriculum vitae


My name is Marta and I come from Wroclaw, beautiful Polish city. I was studiying there Biomedical Laboratory Sciences for 5 years. Meanwhile I came to Cagliari for Erasmus Programme to do my summer laboratory practice. I stayed only 3 months but I even such a period of time was enough to fall in love with Sardinia – I always wanted to come back. Fortunately, dream came true in 2014, when I started my PhD course at University of Cagliari.

Working on my project I study molecular alternations during hepatocarcinogenesis developing from steatohepatitis, which is lately becoming an emerging risk factor of hepatocellular carcinoma in highly developed countries.

In my free time I try to explore Sardinia and travel. I love also to relax reading a nice book or listening to good music, surrounded by nature.

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