Ago 012014









Zuzanna Rudnicka comes from Cracow (Poland). She studies Foreign Languages at Jagiellonian University and has just completed a practical placement from 1th July to 1th August 2014 at the International Research and Mobility Program Office of the Universtiy of Cagliari. The office is also Euraxess Service Centre for Sardinia.

Her tasks included dealing with the Euraxess Centre activities and with the normal routine of the Office; monitoring the official European Commission website to check for fellowships and grants to be published in the Office website and sent to the mailing lists. She has developed competences in Italian and English languages, interpersonal communication, work in the normal office functions, and work in an international environment.

contatti | accessibilità Università degli Studi di Cagliari
C.F.: 80019600925 - P.I.: 00443370929
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