CV Peter Oswald Staub


Research interests

Botany, Ethnobotany, Ethnopharmacology, Pharmacognosy



2014 – (ongoing): PhD student (University of Cagliari). PhD fellowship under an EU FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network entitled ‘Phylogenetic exploration of Medicinal Plant Diversity’ (MedPlant).

PhD project title: ‘History of medicinal plant use in Europe: A phylogenetic and organoleptic approach.’

2011: MSc in Systematics and Evolution (Institute of Systematic Botany, University of Zurich) Thesis title: ‘Ethnobotanical study of ritual plants used by the Bai people of Shaxi, Southwest China’.

2009: BSc in Biology (University of Zurich).


Work experience

2011 – 2014: Research Officer. Botanical quality control of Chinese medicinal plants (Phytax Ltd., Schlieren, Switzerland).

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C.F.: 80019600925 - P.I.: 00443370929
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