CV Eyasu Zemene Mequanint


Personal information

Nationality: Ethiopian


 9 Nov 02 / 7 Jul 07

Title of qualification awarded: BSc in Electrical Engineering

Name and type of organization providing education and training: JimmaUniversity, Jimma (Ethiopia)

Score(Vote): 3.56/4

Rank: 2nd out of 180 students of my batch

Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered: Instrumentation, DSP (Digital Signal Processing), Fundamental of Electrical Eng, Electrical Eng. Lab Workshop practice , Engineering Mathematics, Controls I & II, Instrumentation (in which we have used many sensors), Signals Systems & Networks, Electromagnetic Fields, Electronics, Introduction to computational methods, Logic Design, Control systems, Communication systems I, Communication systems II & Networking, Applied Emf & Waves, Computer Architecture & Organization, Data structure and Algorithm , Introduction to Microprocessor

Final year project: My final year project was selected as on of the top three projects in the technology faculty. It includes ideas from different areas: Speech recognition, wireless communication, microprocessor & interfacing, and others. It has many practical application in controlling different electronic appliances using voice as a switch. We used an electronic car to simulate the work and gave a title from the simulation: ’Voice Controlled Car’.

1 Oct 11 – 28 June 2013

Title of qualification awarded: MSc in Computer Science

Name and type of organization providing education and training: Ca’Foscari University of Venice, Venice(Italy)

Score(Vote): 110/110

Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered: Multimedia Systems, Computer vision, Artificial Intelligence,Data and Web mining,Information Theory, Statistical Learning, Numerical Algorithm, Forecasting and Simulation,Multimedia Systems,Distributed System, Mathematical Logic,Advanced Database, Analysis and Verification of Software,Compiler.

Final Thesis Title: Multi-similarity algorithms using game theoretic notions. It concerns the development of multi-similarity algorithms for data clustering using game and graph theoretic notions.

Supervisor: Thanks for my thesis Prof. Marcello Pelillo, for his fruitful collaboration my work will soon result in a conference publication with different applications in Computer Vision, machine learning,Communication, bioinformatics and pattern recognition



Company Experience

24 Sep 07 / 11 Oct 11

Occupation or position held: Electrical Engineer

Name and address of employer: Ethio Telecom , Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)

Type of business or sector: Governmental telecom sector

Main activities and responsibilities: During this period of time I have been an active member of a team that was involved in implementing the IP-Next Generation Network for the first time in Ethiopia. This project works to offer a complete range of Telecom services, covering mobile ,fixed line CDMA . . . etc telephony including broadband, national and international long distance services, data voice services and a wide range of value added services and applications that will enhance productivity of enterprises. The project helped me get different basic theoretical and practical knowledge from a multidisciplinary environments. I was leading small group as site Engineer during the implementation of fiber network and configurations of huge routers. After the NGN network was finished I was working as network administrator to control the different systems in the network and also I worked in the .

Practical (Lab) Experiences: During my undergraduate study I did many practical works in the course of control, Instrumentation and Electrical labs that can control many electrical devices, and also during my undergraduate study I implemented, for final year project, controlling circuits which can control electronic devices using voice command. When I was the member of that team which implement the IP-Next Generation Network, I have got a very good knowledge in configuring routers and firewalls, troubleshooting, simulating, administering the mobile billing system, controlling both mobile & CDMA networks and others of very big national network linked to an international one. I have done many experiments in computer vision and machine learning e.g for image understanding, Medical image analysis, in Artificial Intelligence, in my thesis which uses many ideas from graph theory like Motzkin-Straus theorem and its Generalization (Dominant set). I have been participating actively in prof. Pelillo’s weekly Lab meetings where people from other universities usually invited to share their knowledge.

Personal skills and competences

Mother tongue(s) Amharic

Other language(s) Self-assessment (European level(*)): English


Listening C2

Reading C2


Spoken Interaction C2

Spoken Production C2

Writing C2

Social skills and competences

 In the summer holidays, I gave tutor program in physics and mathematics for Grades 11 and 12 students I actively participated in club members and I am one of the founders of IT club at Jimma university during my undergraduate study. Arranging groups to solve problem of the society and participating in other different clubs are some of my activities apart from my study.

Computer skills and competences:

 Programming skill in: C,C++ & Matlab (have deep knowledge & used in many projects) , C sharp, Java (have used for different projects in Ca’Foscari e.g a project for analysis and verification of software, for developing a compiler …) ,Visual Basic,Java script

Database: Database design, MS-Access

Tools: Borland C++, MS Visual Studio 6, J Creator, Dream Weaver, Net Beans , Matlab, R, MS- Office

Platforms: Windows, UNIX

Networks and Networking: Windows 2000 server, HTML5, network topology design, configuration, testing and maintenance of hardwares.

Honours and awards

 ..Certificate of Achievement in recognition of great performance to successful completion of next generation network in Ethio Telecom

¨ Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Local Netacad Certificate from JimmaUniversity.

¨ Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Certificate from Cisco SystemsInc.

¨ ZXR10 Hardware and Configuration Training Certificate from ZTE University, China. From 15 Jul 2008 to 01 Aug 2008.

¨ Certificate of Training on sucessfully completing the Basic Level Telecom Trainning on IP stream

.. Certificate of penetration testing and security awareness from Information Network Security Agency

¨ June 26,2007 – Certificate of Excellency on presenting Final year project entitled “VOICE CONTROLLED CAR”,Jimma University Faculty of technology

¨ June 26,2007 – Certificate of Appreciation on presenting Final year project entitled “VOICE CONTROLLED CAR”, Student Research Program


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