Eyasu Zemene Mequanint – Research Fellow


Eyasu Zemene Mequanint

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Curriculum vitae


I was born in Debre Tabour, Ethiopia and I received my BSc degree in Electrical Engineering from Jimma university in June 2007 and I joined Ethio Telecom (The biggest and well known Telecommunication Corporation in Ethiopia). I had worked in the Telecom company till I have joined Ca’Foscari University (October 2011) where I got my  MSc in Computer Science in June 2013.

First of all I am pleased to tell about your program that dedicates itself to help and give a great care for its students and their careers so that they can solve problems to make our world better place. Your department fits all my interest. It has successfully blended its traditional roots with a progressive approach to teaching and learning. Its history tells us that it has been one of the most prestigious universities which informs high quality learning and research work. In general it offers a range of inspiring, professionally relevant courses,and a range of inspiring research works which meet the needs

of the real world and prepare students for a successful and rewarding career. When I study my MSc in computer science in Ca’Foscari university, I was participating  actively the metting in Prof. Marcello’s group which introduces me with people from different part of the world including people from University of Cagliari. Starting  from that day I started to visit the page of the university and I have discovered many intersting things which forces me to decide to work with your university and I am lucky to get this research contract. I know that your Program would be an excellent starting point for me.  The fact that I will study in an international environment will  also give me the privilege to create new relationships with people from different cultures.

My research  interests are in the areas of Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition,Game Theoretic models, Machine Learning  and medical image analysis.

My research contract is fo the Study and development of algorithms for automatic recognition based on the theory of games, and I have been starting doing on adversarial clustering using different algorithms specially on clustering using dominant set.

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