Giu 092014



Agata Pilecka studies Economics at the University of Warsaw, Poland. She is going to spend three months from June to the beginning of September 2014 at the International Research and Mobility Programs Office at the University of Cagliari under the student exchange mobility programme Erasmus.

As EURAXESS Service Centre for Sardinia the International Office provides services for international researchers in mobility.

Agata Pilecka will be involved in an international environment and in the normal office functions. She deals with the Euraxess Centre activities monitoring the official European Commission website to check for fellowships and grants to be published in the Office website and sent to the mailing lists.

Moreover she has made a valuable contribution to the Office’s leaflets and blog with her graphic skills.

This experience will prove extremely useful for improving her language skills in Italian and English, and developing interpersonal and intercultural communication.

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