
Nov 252013

RaAM 10 conference: Metaphor in Communication, Science and EducationCagliari, June 20-23, 2014

Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy
School of Communication Science
University of Cagliari

We are pleased to announce the 10th conference of the Association for Researching and Applying Metaphor (RaAM), which will be held in Cagliari, Island of Sardinia, Italy, from 20 to 23 June 2014.

The Association for Researching and Applying Metaphor welcomes researchers from various theoretical approaches studying metaphor and metonymy in different forms of expression and in different realms of use in society (e.g., educational, political, commercial, artistic). Contributors to the 2014 conference may approach metaphor and metonymy from a variety of perspectives (including philosophical, cognitive, discursive, cultural, pedagogical, social, etc.) and by applying a variety of methods (including discourse analytical methods, corpus-based methods, experimental methods, etc.)

The theme for 2014 is “Metaphor in Communication, Science and Education”, and the keynote speakers in these three general areas are:

Communication: Gerard Steen (VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Science: Silvano Tagliagambe (University of Cagliari, Italy)
Education: Graham Low (University of York, UK)

The conference will also include two themed panels specifically dedicated to metaphor in science:

Metaphor in Human Sciences, directed by Liliana Albertazzi (University of Trento, Italy). Invited speakers: Zoltán Kövecses (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary), Susanne Niemeier (University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany) and Tony Veale (University College Dublin, Ireland).

Metaphor in Natural Sciences, directed by Elena Gagliasso (University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy) and Giulia Frezza (University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy). Invited speakers: Martin Döring (University of Hamburg, Germany), Carmela Morabito (University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy) and Andrea Grignolio (University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy).
Call for papers

Abstracts of 20-minute papers (no more than 400 words, excluding references) and poster presentations are invited on any topic in the broad areas indicated: communication, science and education. The main language of the conference will be English, but there will also be one track of papers in Italian. Abstracts should be prepared for blind refereeing and submitted electronically via the online submission system EasyChair, which can be accessed at the following address:

Please follow the instructions on how to create a new user account. Once you are registered, you will be able to log on to EasyChair, create your abstract, modify it as necessary, and submit it.

Deadline for abstracts submissions: December 31, 2013
Notification of acceptance/rejection: March 1, 2014

Prizes will be awarded for the best paper by a PhD student. PhD students can indicate their interest in being considered for this prize via the EasyChair submission site. A number of tutorials, geared toward PhD students, will be offered on June 21, 2014. Furthermore, a limited number of bursaries, based on merit and/or financial need, will be available for PhD students who have had their abstracts accepted. The bursaries will be offered by RaAM and the local organising committee and entail a fee waiver and help towards travel costs.

For further information, please email or visit the conference website

The scientific committee:
Cristina Cacciari (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy)
Robyn Carston (University College London, UK)
Jonathan Charteris-Black (University of the West of England, UK)
Alan Cienki (Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands)
Seana Coulson (University of California, San Diego, USA)
Alice Deignan (University of Leeds, UK)
Vincenzo Fano (University of Urbino, Italy)
Charles Forceville (Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Rachel Giora (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Bipin Indurkhya (AGH Univ. of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland and IIT, Hyderabad, India)
Beatrice Ligorio (University of Bari, Italy)
Jeannette Littlemore (University of Birmingham, UK)
Maria Teresa Musacchio (University of Padua, Italy)
Andreas Musolff (University of East Anglia, UK)
Francesco Paoli (University of Cagliari, Italy)
Elena Semino (Lancaster University, UK)

The local organizing committee:
Francesca Ervas, Elisabetta Gola and Pietro Storari (chairs);
Valentina Favrin, Antonio Ledda, Maria Grazia Rossi, Giuseppe Sergioli, Filippo Spanu.

Not yet a member of the RaAM International Association and wish to join?
See the link for ‘Joining’ on the web page

Ago 052013

Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy (SIFA)
Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy – University of Cagliari

3rd SIFA Graduate Conference: “Language, Logic and Mind”

Comune di Cagliari – September 16-18, 2013


Monday 16th September 2013
Aula Motzo, first floor

10:00-10:45    Registration and coffee
10:45-11:00     Welcome and Introduction

11:00-12:15    Language – Keynote speaker: Emma Borg (University of Reading), The Empirical Evidence for Semantics: What Can it Tell Us and Why?

12:15-14:30    Lunch

Session A, Aula Motzo – Philosophy of Language and Metaphysics
14:30-15:15    Mark Pinder (University of Bristol), Borg’s Minimalism and the Liar Paradox
15:15-16:00    Diana Mazzarella (University College London), “Optimal Relevance” as a Pragmatic Criterion. The Role of Epistemic Vigilance

Session B, Aula 6 – Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind
14:30-15:15    Davide Bordini (University of Milan), Phenomenal Intentionality: Transparency Is not Enough
15:15-16:00    François Kammerer (Université Paris-Sorbonne), Conscious Experiences as Ultimate Seemings: Renewing the Phenomenal Concept Strategy

16:00-16:30    Coffee break

Session A, Aula Motzo – Philosophy of Language and Metaphysics
16:30-17:15    Serena Maria Nicoli (University of Turin), Williamson on the Psychological View. A Criticism
17:15-18:00    Dan Zeman (Institut Jean Nicod, Paris), Temporalism in an Extensional Framework

Session B, Aula 6 – Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind
16:30-17:15    Giacomo Melis (Northern Institute of Philosophy, Aberdeen), Understanding Undermining Defeat
17:15-18:00    Takuya Niikawa (Hokkaido University, Sapporo), Naive Realism and Demonstrative Thought

Tuesday 17th September 2013
Aula Motzo, first floor

9:30-10:45    Logic – Keynote speaker: J.C. Beall (University of Connecticut & University of Aberdeen), The Knower Paradox as Spandrel of Truth

10:45-11:15    Coffee break

Session A, Aula Motzo – Logic and Philosophy of Science
11:15-12:00    Fabio Corpina (University of Cagliari), The Ancient Master Argument and Two Examples of Contemporary Tense Logic
12:00-12:45    Laura Celani (University of St. Andrews), Epistemic Paradoxes and Bridge Principles

Session B, Aula 6 – Philosophy of Language and Metaphysics
11:15-12:00    Giulia Felappi (King’s College, London), Propositional Attitudes and Deferred Reference
12:00-12:45    Samuele Iaquinto (University of Milan), On the Semantic Evaluation in Gettier Cases

12:45-14:45    Lunch

14:45-16:00    Mind – Keynote speaker: Sarah Sawyer (University of Sussex), Minds and Morals

16:00-16:30    Coffee break

Session A, Aula Motzo – Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind
16:30-17:15    Davide Costa (University of Turin), Is Loar’s Case a Threat for Social Externalism?
17:15-18:00    Gabriele Ferretti (University of Urbino), Externalism, Enactive Approach and Canonic Neurons

Session B, Aula 6 – Logic and Philosophy of Science
16:30-17:15    Gaetano Albergo (University of Catania), There is no Such a Thing as A Priori Knowledge that is Certain Knowledge of Incompatibilities
17:15-18:00    Filippo Ferrari (Northern Institute of Philosophy, Aberdeen), The Value of Deflationary Truth

21:00        Social Dinner

Wednesday 18th September 2013

Session A, Aula Motzo – Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind
9:30-10:15    Sumesh Mk (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay), When the Push of Derivations Come to the Shove of Representations: a Case for Derivational Framework of Cognition
10:15-11:00    Susana Monsò (UNED, Madrid), Does Empathy Require a Theory of Mind?

Session B, Aula 6 – Logic and Philosophy of Science
9:30-10:15    Andreas Fjellstad (Northern Institute of Philosophy, Aberdeen), Tonking Around: An Exercise in Conceptual Economy
10:15-11:00    Vasil Penchev (Institute for Philosophical Research, Sofia), Quantum Computer on a Turing Machine

11:00-11:30    Coffee break

Session A, Aula Motzo – Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind
11:30-12:15    Francesco Marchi (Ruhr Universität Bochum), Top-down Processes in Visual Object Perception: an Extended Version of the Intermediate Level Hypothesis
Session B, Aula 6 – Logic and Philosophy of Science
11:30-12:15    Emilia Barile (Università San Raffaele, Milan), The Puzzling Concept of “Representation” in Neuroscience

12:15-12:30    Greetings

For further info, visit the website or contact

Mag 102012

Università di Cagliari
Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione
Dipartimento di Pedagogia, Psicologia, Filosofia
Corso di Laurea in Scienze della Comunicazione
LinguisticaMente & ALoPhiS (Applied Logic, Philosophy and History of Science)

Synergia Research Group in Logic, Language, Cognition,
History and Philosophy of Sciences – Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo”

APhEx. Portale italiano di filosofia analitica

13-14 giugno 2012
Cagliari-Urbino Workshop
Metafora e Argomentazione

Mercoledì 13 giugno 2012
Aula 6 (Corpo Centrale) – Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione dell’Università di Cagliari

Prima sessione_Il linguaggio della metafora
Chair: Pierluigi Graziani (Università di Urbino)

9:00-9:45 Elisabetta Gola (Università di Cagliari), Teorie della metafora
9:45-10:00 Commento: Massimo Sangoi (Università di Urbino)
10:00-10:15 Discussione generale

10:15-10:45 Coffee Break

10:45-11:30 Giuseppe Bomprezzi (Università di Urbino), Bontempelli, Calvino, Montale e Luzi: pensieri sulla metafora nella letteratura italiana contemporanea
11:30-11:45 Commento: Francesca Ervas (Università di Cagliari)
11:45-12:00 Discussione generale

12:00-14:30 Pranzo

Seconda sessione_Epistemologia della metafora
Chair: Ines Adornetti (Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Università di Cagliari)

14:30-15:15 Massimo Sangoi (Università di Urbino), Metafore scientifiche: caratteristiche e funzione
15:15-15:30 Commento: Elisabetta Gola (Università di Cagliari)
15:30-15:45 Discussione generale

15:45-16:00 Coffee Break

16:00-16:45 Valentina Favrin & Pietro Storari (Università di Cagliari), Il ruolo della metafora nella teoria del linguaggio di Mary Hesse
16:45-17:00 Commento: Adriano Angelucci (Università di Urbino)
17:00-17:15 Discussione generale

17:15-18:00 Sara Matera (Università di Urbino), L’ipotesi Gaia: la metafora del pianeta come sistema vivente
18:00-18:15 Commento: Michele Camerota (Università di Cagliari)
18:15-18:30 Discussione generale

20:00 Cena

Giovedì 14 giugno 2012
Aula 6 (Corpo Centrale) – Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione dell’Università di Cagliari

Terza sessione_Argomentare con le metafore
Chair: Claudio Calosi (Università di Urbino)

9:00-9:45 Vincenzo Fano (Università di Urbino), La metafora e la scoperta degli universali
9:45-10:00 Commento: Francesco Paoli (Università di Cagliari)
10:00-10:15 Discussione generale

10:15-10:45 Coffee Break

10:45-11:30 Claudio Ternullo (Università di Pisa, University of Liverpool) & Giuseppe Sergioli (Università di Cagliari), Metafora e fallacie del ragionamento analogico
11:30-11:45 Commento: Vincenzo Fano (Università di Urbino)
11:45-12:00 Discussione generale

12:00-15:00 Pranzo

Quarta sessione_Sperimentare con le metafore
Chair: Stefano Federici (Università di Cagliari)

15:00-15:45 Francesca Ervas & Antonio Ledda (Università di Cagliari), Stelle e attori. Sperimentare le metafore nella comprensione di quaternio terminorum
15:45-16:00 Commento: Giuseppe Bomprezzi (Università di Urbino)
16:00-16:15 Discussione generale

16:15-16:45 Coffee Break

16:45-17:30 Adriano Angelucci (Università di Urbino), Metafora ed esperimenti mentali filosofici
17:30-17:45 Commento: Marco Giunti (Università di Cagliari)
17:45-18:00 Discussione generale

Comitato organizzativo:
Francesca Ervas, Elisabetta Gola, Pierluigi Graziani, Massimo Sangoi


Dic 012011

Humana.Mente – Journal of Philosophical Studies –
Special Issue

Editors: Francesca Ervas – Elisabetta Gola

The Experimental Turn in Philosophical Pragmatics

Modern pragmatics has been defined as “philosophical”, not only because its main representative authors, such as Grice and Austin, were philosophers of ordinary language, but also because it has used linguistic and philosophical analysis as a method to give an explanation of communicative features of language. However, in the last years, plenty of studies have brought classical pragmatic theories in front of the tribunal of experience, to test their power of explanation and prediction. The result has been the growth of a flourishing interdiscipline, called “Experimental Pragmatics”, which claims that understanding an utterance requires the access to the speaker’s intention in specific contexts and uses experimental techniques coming from psycholinguistics, cognitive sciences and psychology to bring to light the comprehension mechanisms of non-literal and figurative language. The objective of this issue is to discuss the main empirical results of Experimental Pragmatics and to explore its theoretical influence on “philosophical” pragmatics in its most important research subjects, such as figures of speech, implicatures, etc. How and to what extent do experimental method and conceptual analysis interact in pragmatics? Which consequences does this experimental turn have for theorizing in pragmatics?

This issue of Humana.Mente welcomes contributions addressing these and related themes, including:

Presuppositions vs. Implications
Lexical Disambiguation and Reference Resolution
The Pragmatics of Discourse
Evidence of the Explicit/Implicit Distinction
Processing of Implicatures
Metaphor Understanding
How Metonymy works
Production and Perception of Jokes and Humor
Irony Comprehension

Papers should be submitted in blind review format. Please omit any self-identifying information within the abstract and body of the paper.

Furthermore, we invite to submit reviews of recent books (published after 2009), and commentaries of articles and books (also published before 2009) that could be particularly interesting for the topics analysed in this Issue.

Paper and review submissions should adhere to the following guidelines:

(1)        Submissions should be sent via email to and

(2)        Instructions for authors:

Languages: English
Deadline for submissions: May 2nd, 2012.
Notification of acceptance: August 1st, 2012
Final version due: October 1, 2012

(3)        Papers should not exceed 42.000 characters in either Microsoft Word or Rich Text format and should include an abstract of no more than 150 words.

Mar 252011

Il gruppo Linguisticamente è lieto di annunciare la Conferenza Internazionale sulla Metafora, di cui cura l’organizzazione scientifica e logistica, promossa dall’Associazione Italiana per gli Studi sulla Metafora “Metaphor Club”  e l’Università di Cagliari dal titolo:

CAGLIARI – 12-14 MAGGIO 2011
Università di Cagliari, Dipartimenti di scienze pedagogiche e filosofiche
Metaphor Club – Italian Association for Metaphor Studies

Per maggiori dettagli e la versione inglese:

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