Ott 082014

Outline of lesson 2: LESSON 2

Outline of lesson 4 and links to websites: LESSON 4, for home page

Outline of lesson 5: 3rd yr Lesson 5, 2014_15

Outline of lesson 6: LESSON 6

Lesson 7: 3rd year, word for word translation, hwk lesson 7

Lesson 8:  1) to/ing (to go vs going) verb forms; 2) Articles; 3) Hard vs. Hardly: Lesson 8, ing,toforms, articles, hardly v hard

Lesson 8: 3rd year: word for translation. Correct English translation  LESSON 8, english translation

Lesson 8: Error correction exercise: ERROR CORRECTION EXERCISE, lesson 8

Lesson 8: Outline of lesson and CHECKLIST FOR NEWSPAPER ANALYSIS:checklist for newspaper analysis and outline of lesson 8

Lesson 10: Radio interview / Language, identity and teaching/ summary of course LESSON 10, radio interview, lang identi teaching

Please also refer to the study pack (dispense) available from photocopying shop in Via Ospedale, Cagliari.  It’s essential for this course, and contains examples of written exams, advice about how to write a composition and a list of the theoretical concepts you need to understand and apply in the oral  exam, etc. etc. .


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