Educational Objectives


Neuroscience constitutes a research area of ​​current scientific relevance, which has experienced exponential development thanks to the combined application of molecular, cellular and physical technologies, opening the way for understanding the molecular basis of extremely complex processes typical of the central and peripheral nervous system. Neuroscience therefore involves an ever-increasing number of researchers and the field of research is rapidly establishing as an independent branch of the biomedical science very important for the protection of human health. The PhD program in Neuroscience therefore aims to ensure high scientific training based on active scientific research work carried out in a productive and internationally recognized research group, and on the acquisition of the skills needed to carry out research and highly qualified professional figures.

The Academic Faculty includes basic and clinical researchers belonging to UNICA:
– the Department of Biomedical Science;

– the Department of Medical Sciences and Public Healt;

– the Institute of Neuroscience of the National Research Council (CNR Cagliari);

The research is developed on various topics in the field of Neuroscience, which include:

  • neuroanatomy and neurochemistry
  • neurophysiology and sensory physiology
  • neurobiology
  • neuropathology and neurodegenerative mechanisms
  • neuropsychopharmacology
  • behavioral neuroscience
  • the development of diagnostic applications
  • the search for new molecules acting on the nervous system

PhD program objectives:

The PhD program in Neuroscience aims at training independent scientists to carry out basic and clinical neuroscience research, by means of multidisciplinary approaches.

The Neuroscience PhD program specific aims are:

1) Transmitting the knowledge of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology and sensorial physiology, the understanding of developmental and functional mechanisms of central and peripheral nervous systems;

2) Understanding the neuro-pathological and physio-pathological bases of diverse pathologies such as psychiatric diseases (anxiety, depression, bipolar disorders, psychotic disorders and schizophrenia, addictive disorders, eating disorders, borderline personality disorder), neurodegenerative diseases, epilepsy, dementia, migraine, pain, and their related therapeutic approaches.

Educational objectives:

–                Training in both basic and clinical neuroscience.

–                Acquisition of research methodology by means of classical and innovative techniques in histochemistry, immunochemistry, neurochemistry molecular biology, electrophysiology, genetics and behavioural analyses, in the fields of basic and clinic neuroscience.

–                The acquisition of independent and critical approach to scientific research, as well as methodological accuracy.

–                To introduce the PhD students into scientific networks with national and international researchers groups.


Specifically, during the first PhD year, the lectures and the seminars will be devoted to basic neuroscience, including biomedical statistics, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, in vivo and ex vivo research methods, animal use in research, and research ethics.

During the second and third years, the lectures and the seminars will focus on neurological disorders covered in relation to neuropathology and clinical-therapeutic management. Supported by the tutor, the PhD student will acquire technical skills required to master the experiments, including the use of instruments, data analysis and interpretation.

Research fields:

Main professional positions for PhD graduates in Neuroscience are:

–                Academic career in public and private, national and international universities

–                Public health services;

–                Research activity in public centers (Istituto Superiore di Sanità, CNR, IRCCS).

–                Research activity in local, national and international pharmaceutical companies, diagnostics and biotechs;

–                Preclinical research and technological development in public and private, local, national and international structures;

  • Management in public and private biotechnological structures;
  • Promotion and development of scientific and technological innovation in neurobiology;
  • Publishing of high level scientific culture with specific focus to Neurosciences;
  • Applied biology and biochemistry in Neuroscience in health and neuropharmacological fields;
  • Testing and development of biological/biotechnological drugs.

The acquired theoretical and practical skills apply to fields beyond the Neurosciences as well.

Regione Autonoma della Sardegna envisions the support to Research as a main objective for local economic and cultural development, which has led to the establishment of several private and public companies in the biomedical and pharmacological field. In this context, the PhD program is specifically tailored to impart the professional skills for such job opportunities.

The interaction with local enterprises begins during the PhD training period throughout collaborative relations between the PhD Academic Board and the companies located in the Scientific and Technologic Park of Sardinia, within the projects founded by MUR and Regione Autonoma della Sardegna.

 Scritto da alle 10:39
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