CV Wioleta Bakinowska


Nationality: Polish


September 2011 – September 2013

University of Cagliari, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

Master in Conservation of the Architectural and Environmental Heritage (110/110 cum laude)

Thesis: Medieval urbanism in Poland. Three case of study


September 2010 – September 2011

University of Cagliari, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

Single courses – recovery of debts to access the Master in Conservation of Architectural and Environmental Heritage.


October 2002 – September 2007

University of Wroclaw, Faculty of History and Pedagogy

Master in History of Art (5/5)

Thesis: “Prayer in the stone”. The sacral architecture of Mario Botta.


September 2006 – September 2007

Regionalny Ośrodek Edukacji in Wroclaw, post-secondary, artistic school

Diploma of one year course in interior design.


I worked as an interior designer (in Milan and in Cagliari). I gained experience as art historian, interpreter (Polish – Italian) and in an architectural office in Wroclaw. Recently I wrote some articles about sacral architecture and interior design.



Italian – C1

English – B2

German – A2

French – A2

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