Sonia Cristina Aldana Martinez – PhD Student


Sonia AldanaPhD Program in Earth and Environmental Sciences and Technologies


Curriculum Vitae

I studied my bachelor degree in Colombia, a place where the geology is very interesting and active (check for the earthquakes nest of Bucaramanga). After my graduation I had several jobs as geologist in the public and  private sector. After reach this work experience I decided to continue my studies abroad. I followed my master degree in Earth Sciences focused in Environmental and Applied Geology. I wanted to go further in  my education in hydrogeology and also learn a new language, then I found the perfect opportunity in the University of Cagliari with the “Dottorato in Scienze e tecnologie della Terra e dell’ambiente”. Actually I am developing my PhD  studying the circulation of groundwater in a fractured aquifer in a basin in the south of Sardinia focus in risk assessment. The professors and partners here are developing interesting researches in hydrogeology for vulnerable areas; and they are bringing me a big support.

Sardinia by its geographic strategic position is a rich island in landscapes, nature, traditions inherit from the different people who have inhabited through time here… and of course the excellent food. The solidarity and kindness of most of the Sardinians is remarkable and very appreciate by a foreign

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