Biyan Ghebreyesus Okubaghergis



PhD School in History,Cultural heritage and International studies

Curriculum Vitae



I am Biyan Ghebreyesus, a PhD student at the University of Cagliari. I graduated with first class distinction in Political Science and International Relations from Osmania University and was a lecturer in Political Science and International Relations at Eritrea Institute of Technology, Eritrea. In addition to, I was a Head of the Department of Social Science and coordinator for ELFA project (Finish-Eritrea Project).

I am currently undertaking a PH.D research project entitled: Border and Border Politics as a New wall of Separation between Eritrea and Ethiopia from 2000-2016 at the University of Cagliari. This thesis casts around the question: How do the ‘No peace no war’ situation, as a new wall of separation, in the aftermath of the border war of destruction and devastation between Eritrea and Ethiopia impact the cross-border relations? The main aim is to understand the Eritrea-Ethiopian cross-border relations from the perspective of the borderland community through the case of the Central Sector.

University of Cagliari is an ideal academic platform for International Students. The quality and the experience of faculty members and the research activities that they are involved in, the excellent research facilities and the kind of teaching and learning ambiance, and the enthusiasm that they create are all the factors that what motivated me to apply at your eminent University. The culture, welcoming people, magnificent beaches and marveling Mediterranean climate have also much to do with much decision to be here in Cagliari.

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