Muhammad Atta Othman Ahmed


profiloPhD Student, PhD Program in Electronic and Computer Engineering


Curriculm Vitae




Mhammad Atta Khfagy was born in a village called Al-Okalya in Sohag – Egypt, Graduated from Computer Science Department, Sohag University in 2006. He joined the Egyptian Army for Military service from 2006 to 2009 and worked as a first lieutenant in the Artillery weapon, then he proceeded his Postgraduate study at Sohag University from 2009 till he awarded a Master in Computer Science in 2013.

From October 2014 he collaborates with the Pra Lab with a research scholarship entitled “study and development of automatic recognition algorithms based on the theory of multiple classifiers”, and from November 1st he started Ph.D at the PRA Lab in “Electronics Engineering and Computer Science”. He occupied many teaching positions and also worked as a web developer for Gaby Tech Ltd.

The main motivation of selecting University of Cagliari is its Pattern Recognition and Applications lab, which is ranked as the first in his area of research.


Research interests: Multiple Classifier Systems, Computer security and Quantum Artificial Intelligence.

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