Mansour Ahmadi – PostDoc researcher


Mansour AhmadiDept of Electrical and Electronic Engineering



Curriculum Vitae




My originality goes back to Davan – a small village which is located 150km of Shiraz, Fars, Iran – with hard-working and successful people. But I was living in the beautiful city of Shiraz until 2014. I received my bachelor degree in Applied Mathematics from Sistan & Baluchestan University in 2007 and my master degree in software engineering from Azad University, Arak branch in 2011. After that, I married to Fraideh Tavazoee in 2012.

I have more than five years experience as instructor in university and have more than four years experience as software developer in Iran. In 2014, I joined to university of Cagliari, Italy for pursuing Ph.D. under supervision of Dr. Giorgio Giacinto and still learning new things every day after almost a decade of training and professional work. My research interests are every aspect of computer security, machine learning, data mining, and computational linguistics and published more than 10 papers.

The main motivation of selecting university of Cagliari is its Pattern Recognition and Applications lab which is fabulous in the development of secure systems by applying pattern recognition. In addition, Cagliari has so kind and warm people that I am feeling relaxed with them. Finally, Italy is the land of history, food and romance. All in all, it is a great chance for me to study at university of Cagliari.

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