CV Małgorzata Plumbaum


Nationality: Polish


French Phenomenology, Philosophy of Art, Aesthetics, Ancient Philosophy, Ancient Greek, Latin, Neo-latin languages


PhD candidate in the Department of Philosophy, Psychology, and Pedagogy at Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy. (2014)

M.A. in Philosophy, University of Gdańsk. (2014)

Title: O ciele i cielesności ludzkiej w wybranych ujęciach (About the Body and Corporieality in Selected Theories)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hab. Piotr J. Przybysz

B.A. in Classical Philology, University of Gdańsk. (2013)

Title: Portretowanie cielesności w Metamorfozach Owidiusza (Corporieality in Ovid’s Metamorphoses)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hab. Krzysztof Głombiowski

B.A. in Philosophy, University of Gdańsk. (2011)

Title: Percepcja dzieła sztuki malarskiej w filozofii Maurice’a Merleau-Ponty’ego (Perception of the Painting’s Work Art in Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s Philosophy.)
Supervisor: Dr. Hab. Anna Chęcka-Gotkowicz


Seminar on “ New Moral Intuitionism. Its Possibilities and Challenges” organized by
Department of Philosophy at University of Gdańsk. (2014)

Conference on “Jedna czy wiele fenomenologii? Fenomenologia we współczesnej filozofii” (“Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosophy”) organized by
Department of Philosophy at University of Gdańsk. (2013)

Research on Ancient Greek, Ancient Philosophy, Culture of Ancient Greece, History of Ancient Greece, Greek Architecture organised by Department of Classical Philology at University of Gdańsk during linguistic trip in Greece (among others: Athens, Thessaloniki, Ioannina, Meteora, Thermopiles, Pella, Amphipolis). (2012)

Conference on “Virtue Ethics: Possibilities and Limitations” organized by
Department of Philosophy at University of Gdańsk. (2008)


Polish (mother language)

Ancient Greek (intermediate)

Latin (intermediate)

Italian (advanced)

Spanish (advanced)

French (pre-intermediate)

English (upper-intermediate)

German (pre-intermediate/intermediate)


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