Małgorzata Plumbaum – PhD Student


foto corretta plumbaumPhD Program in Philosophy, Epistemology and Cultural History

Curriculum vitae

My name is Małgorzata (Margaret) and I am from Poland. I studied Philosophy at the University of Gdańsk. During my studies in Poland, my main purpose was to do phenomenology of the body analysing the body’s activities in everyday life and to show body as the “thing itself”. I am really interested in Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of perception, aesthetics and philosophy of art.

During my philosophical studies I accomplished also studies in Classical Philology that gave me the opportunity to be closer to the ancient philosophical thought. Especially I adored lessons of ancient Greek, Greek and Latin metrics.

I have known Cagliari when I was participating in Erasmus exchange program. My experience on the island was amazing and I liked Cagliari so much that I decided to take part in Phd concours orginised by University of Cagliari knowing just before that there is possibility to work on ancient texts.

I am a PhD candidate in Philosophy and Epistemology. My aim is to connect philosophical and linguistical research. I want to make my investigations about aristotelian notions in original Greek texts and their translations.

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