CV Luis Fernando Pino Duque


Current position:

Since January 2015 I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Cagliari in Italy, I am hosted by the group of Trustworthy Computational Societies led by Prof. Massimo Bartoletti. My research is focused on the development of formal methods for the specification, analysis and verification of software and systems.



PhD in Computer Science at Ecole Polytechnique, France. 2011-2014

Thesis: Efficient Verification and New Reasoning Techniques for Concurrent Constraint Programming.

Supervisors: Frank Valencia and Catuscia Palamidessi.

Graduated with the highest honors (mention tr`es honorable in French).

MSc in Computer Science at Ecole Polytechnique, France. 2010-2011

Received cum laude honor (mention assez bien in French).

Cumulative GPA: 12.75/20.

BSc in Computer Science at Universidad del Valle, Colombia. 2005-2010

Received summa cum laude honor (laureado in Spanish) and best of the class distinction.

Cumulative GPA: 4.58/5.


PhD student at Ecole Polytechnique October 2011-September 2014 Palaiseau, France

I did my PhD at the Computer Science Laboratory from Ecole Polytechnique. My research was mainly focused on formal methods for the analysis and verification of concurrent systems. The main contributions of my thesis include the development of novel reasoning techniques and algorithms for analyzing the behavior of concurrent constraint programs. A total of six articles were derived from my PhD dissertation which were published in leading journals, conferences, and workshops in Computer Science. I also attended several high-quality international conference and computer science courses, and interacted with some of the most recognized scientists in my areas of research.

Software Engineering PhD Intern at Google June-September 2014 Mountain View, United States

The goal of this internship was to design and implement a domain specific language for describining and manipulating complex types of JavaScript programs. The key accomplishment was the replacement of convoluted logic in the compiler, used to deal with difficult cases where the type inference was ineffective, with simpler and more precise expressions. This project was developed in Java involving also JavaScript/Closure.

Research Intern at Ecole Polytechnique March-July 2011 Palaiseau, France

The key accomplishment of this internship was the development of a novel technique to prove program equivalence in the concurrent constraint programming (CCP) formalism. The outcome was part of my MSc thesis and it was published in the proceedings of the 14th Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures (FoSSaCS 2011, part of ETAPS 2011).

Research Intern at Ecole Polytechnique March-June 2010 Palaiseau, France

The main goal of this internship was to analyze a reachability problem in a fragment of the calculus, a formalism for modeling concurrent systems. The problem consisted in determining whether a system of this kind, with a possibly infinite execution, is able (or not) to show certain (interesting) behavior. I also implemented an interpreter for the fragment considered using Mozart/Oz. The outcome of this internship was part of my BSc thesis and it was one of the reasons to obtain the summa cum laude honor from Universidad del Valle.

Software Developer consulting for CORPRUVALLE January-May 2009 Cali, Colombia

CORPRUVALLE is an association of teachers from Universidad del Valle. They provide recreational spaces and services for the associates and their families. As part of the final project of the web applications course, I was in charge of the development of their website. The goal was to improve the reach of the association and to provide a platform for the administration of their resources and services, e.g. management of the sports facilities. The website was developed in HTML/JavaScript on the client-side, using the EXTJS library and the Google Visualization API for some UIs, and PHP/PostgreSQL on the server-side.

Teaching Assistant at Universidad del Valle 2006-2009 Cali, Colombia

I was a teaching assistant on the following courses: Discrete Mathematics, Programming Languages and Compilers, Analysis and Design of Algorithms, Interactive Programming. For the programming languages course we used Scheme. For the algorithms course we used Java and C++. And for the interactive programming the focus was on Java.


2011-2014 Doctoral Scholarship for a 3-year PhD studies from INRIA (French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation) and the DGA (French Defense Procurement Agency).

2010 Excellence Scholarship for a 1-year MSc studies from the Foundation of the Ecole Polytechnique.

2010 Graduated with the highest honors from Universidad del Valle. Summa cum laude honor (given to 1 student per program per year), and highest GPA among the Computer Science graduates for which I was given the best of the class (Mejor Graduando, in Spanish) distinction.

2009 Ranked top 1%, among approximately 8000 Computer Science graduates (nationwide) in 2008, at the National Exam for Testing the Quality of Higher Education (SABER PRO in Spanish).

2008-2009 Honorable Mention (two times) from the Association for Computer Machinery (ACM) for qualifying to the International College Programming Contest (ICPC) South America-North Regional Finals.

2008-2009In 2008 we reached the 25th position (out of 100 teams) and in 2009 we climbed to the 11th position (out of 110 teams).

 Additional Information:

Programming Languages: Java, C++, JavaScript, PHP, HTML, Scheme, SQL, Mozart/Oz.

Software Engineering: OO Design, Design of Relational Databases, UML.

Others: Linux, LPSolve (Linear Programming), Eclipse, Netbeans, LaTeX.

Languages: Spanish (Native), English (Fluent), French (Fluent), Italian (Basic)

Research Interests:

My broad areas of interest are concurrency theory, programming languages and formal verification. More specifically, I am interested in process calculi and its use to model and verify concurrent programs, with emphasis on the algorithmic aspects. I am also interested in the interaction between concurrency theory and programming languages to produce more robust and reliable code.



Pino, F. Bonchi, F. Valencia. Efficient Algorithms for Program Equivalence for Confluent Concurrent Constraint Programming. To appear in the Journal of Science of Computer Programming, 2015.

Pino, A. Aristizabal, F. Bonchi, F. Valencia, Weak CCP bisimilarity with strong procedures. Science of Computer Programming, 100(0):84-104, 2015.

International Conferences:

Pino, F. Bonchi, F. Valencia.

A Behavioral Congruence for Concurrent Constraint Programming with Non-deterministic Choice.
11th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC 2014), volume 8687 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 351-368. Springer, 2014.Pino, F. Bonchi, F. Valencia.

Efficient Computation of Program Equivalence for Confluent Concurrent Constraint Programming.
15th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP 2013), ACM, 2013, pp. 263-274.

Aristizabal, F. Bonchi, L. Pino, F. Valencia.

Partition Refinement for Bisimilarity in CCP.
27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2012), ACM, 2012, pp. 88-93.

Aristizabal, F. Bonchi, C. Palamidessi, L. Pino, F. Valencia.

Deriving Labels and Bisimilarity for Concurrent Constraint Programming.
14th International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures (FoSSaCS 2011), volume 6604 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2011, pp. 138-152.


Aristizabal, F. Bonchi, L. Pino, F. Valencia.

Reducing Weak to Strong Bisimilarity in CCP.
5th Interaction and Concurrency Experience (ICE 2012), volume 104 of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 2012, pp. 2-16.

Extended Abstracts:

Pino, F. Bonchi, F. Valencia.

Efficient Computation of Program Equivalence for Confluent Concurrent Constraint Programming (Extended Abstract).
5th Young ResearchersWorkshop on Concurrency Theory (YR-CONCUR 2013).


Part of the organizing committee of the 12th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC 2015) to be held in Cali, Colombia.


Programming Competitions:

Google Codejam. 2008-present

Facebook Hacker Cup. 2011-present

ACM ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest). 2008-2009

 Sports: I trained Wushu/Kung Fu from 2004 to 2009. As part of Wushu team of my region I went to several national competitions and earned numerous medals including a gold medal in 2007 in the Nanquan category.

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