Dragana Jadzic – PhD Student


foto jadzicPhD Program in Neuroscience


Curriculum Vitae


I have chosen Cagliari for my Ph.D. because of the grate atmosphere that prevails among the people here, and which I had opportunity to feel two years ago during my exchange programme. University of Cagliari is very organized, professors are available and collaboration is fantastic. I am working in a field of Neuroscience, and I must say that my department has a leading position in Italy: the largest number of professors, projects and opportunities. At this moment I am working with microdialysis probes, and in a future I will learn some other techniques.

I don’t have to mention that Sardinia is the best place for living: from the mountains in the central part, to the breathtaking beaches. People are warm, welcome, friendly; they will offer you help even if they don’t know you.
I want people to see this place through my eyes and I hope that some of them will find Cagliari like a place where they can improve their skills as researches and find their place under the sun.

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