Dehbia Benkerrou – PhD Student


Dehbia Benkerrou Photo

PhD Program in Physics

Curriculum vitae



I am a child of the Mediterranean and come from a small beautiful town called “Bejaia”, located on the Algerian Cost. Sardinia, being an island, very much reminds me of my life back in Bejaia where I spent most of my childhood before leaving for Paris to pursue my Masters in biochemistry of proteins. The Mediterranean culinary art, the pleasant weather, and the hospitable people here have bonded me strongly to Cagliari.

At a professional level, my studies are generally focused on bioinformatics, cheminformatics, and protein biophysics. Currently, I am working with the research group of Prof. Matteo CECCARELLI on gaining a deeper understanding of the transportation of antibiotics in Gram-negative bacteria by molecular dynamics simulations.

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