CV Anna Nebot Escrigues



Graduate in Biology in the field of Biodiversity and Conservation in the University of Valencia (UV). 2007-2012

Final project: Reproductive biology of the threatened endemism Silene hifacensis Rouy ex Willk. Assessment: Excellent with Honours (9.9/10)

Internship in the Centro de Investigatigación y Experimentación Forestal (CIEF), department of threatened flora. (February-May 2012). Generalitat Valenciana. Conselleria d’Infraestructures, Territori i Medi Ambient. (300 hours): Census and monitoring of threatened plant species; in situ harvesting of seeds of rare, threatened and endemic taxa; tests of viability and germination of seeds; conservation works with seeds.

Workshop on: Ex situ conservation of germoplasm of threatened flora and harvesting of threatened plants of Valencia. Enviromental education centre of the Comunitat Valenciana. (8 hours). 20 and 22 June 2012.

 Participation in the Doctoral summer school on “The conservation and management of plant diversity in hot-spot areas”. (40 hours) From 17 to 21 June 2013.



Windows user level, Office, Internet and e-mail;

Specific programs: SPSS.



Mother tongues: Spanish and Catalan (C1)

Other languages:

Italian: CELI2 (B1) with a score of B (Good). Università per stranieri di Perugia.

English: level B1



Internship in the CIEF (June-August 2012). (3 months): Review data base of protected flora; experiences of reproductive biology; plantation in the field of endangered species; census and monitoring of threatened plant species in situ and harvested from seeds; test of viability and germination of seeds; work of seeds conservation.

Internship in the Centro di Conservazione della Biodivesità (CCB) (April-October 2013). With the scholarship Leonardo da Vinci. (6 months) Study of Dianthus morisianus: phenology, fruit set and seed set analysis, monitoring crop plants, pollination experiments to learn about the reproductive system, fruit harvesting and data analysis and seed germination.



In the 6th Congreso de Biologia de la Conservación de Plantas (2013) my final studies project was published with the tittle: “Biología reproductiva del endemismo amenazado Silene hifacensis Rouy ex Willk.” Also presented a collaboration that I did with the CIEF: “Testado del método de conservación de semillas ex-situ en la colección CIEF a través del analisis de germinabilidad del endemismo valenciano Verbascum fontqueri Benedí & J.M.Monts. (Scrophulariaceae)”.


Now writing the article of data obtained during the internship in the CCB.


B1 driving licence and own car.

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