CV Ana Catalan Latorre


Nationality: Spanish



10/04/2012 – 01/09/2014: Co-Investigator

Performing and evaluating for L’Oreal iontophoresis and microneedle experiments (80,306€), Valencia (Spain)

  • Innovative skin delivery systems in the Department of Pharmacy and Technological
  • Pharmaceutics Confocal microscopy determinations and image processing
  • PI: Virginia Merino

Business or sector: Professional, scientific and technical activities


18/01/2012 – Present: Technician-Researcher

Institute of Molecular Recognition and Technological Development (IDM): Polytechnic University of Valencia and Valencia UniversityVicent Andrés Estellés s/n, 46100 Valencia (Spain)

Development of chemical sensors (optical and electrochemical and biosensors), farmacologic studies, new materials for controlled release, analytical methodologies and microelectronics equipments

  • Statistical Data Analysis, Modelling and Simulation (SPSS, R and Nonmem),
  • Design of innovaive medical products: sodium hialuronidate inserts (published) or quercetin enzyme-responsive nanovesicles (In press, Acta Biomaterialia)
  • Development and validation of HPLC (UV and fluorescence) methods for drugs and excipients and oral permeability studies of commercial drugs (CACO-2, MDCK and Wistar rats).

Business or sector: Professional, scientific and technical activities


01/09/2011 – Present: College / university teaching professional

Pharmacy and Technological Pharmacy Dept, University of Valencia, Valencia (Spain)

Assistant Professor of research-based teaching of:

  • Statistic analysis software (SPSS, Sigmaplot, Splus), modelling and simulation software (Nonmem, R), analytical laboratory techniques and laboratory animals handling to undergraduated, graduated and PhD students.

Business or sector: Education


01/09/2009 – 30/08/2010 Research Assistant: Contrato Becario de Colaboración

University of Valencia C/Vicente Andrés Estellés s/n, 46100 (Burjassot) Valencia (Spain)

Caracterization and preclinical Bioavailability of the enteral diet T diet Plus ®:

  • Caracterization of the enteral product (digestion, HPLC-Fluorescence)
  • Laboratory animal management and wellfare: Biological sample collection and processing
  • HPLC and Spectrophotometry analysis
  • Multivariate data analysis, PK/PD modelling and simulation

Business or sector: Professional, scientific and technical activities


5/11/2007–31/07/2008 Research Scholarship: Credencial Beca de Colaboración

Universidad de Valencia C/Vicente Andrés Estellés s/n, 46100 (Burjassot) Valencia (Spain)

“AHN and cocaine. New craving prevention strategies”

Business or sector: Professional, scientific and technical activities


14/03/2011–15/03/2011: Scientific Comittee of First Congress of Pharmacy Students: Miembro del Comité Científico del I Congreso de Estudiantes de Farmacia

University of Valencia Vicent Andrés Estellés s/n, 46100 Valencia (Spain)

Monitoring the progress of all research activities taken by the students and evaluate abstracts Business or sector Professional: Scientific and technical activities



01/10/2014–Present: PhD Course in Life, Environmental and Drug Sciences

Università di Cagliari, Cagliari (Italy


01/09/2009–29/05/2014: PhD in Biomedicine and Pharmacy
EQF Level 8

Final mark: 10/10, Suma Cum Laude

University of Valencia, Valencia (Spain)

Title: “Taurine Pharmacokinetic Modelling: Influence of nutritional status” (Modelización Farmacocinética de la Taurina: Evaluación del Estado Nutricional)

Pharmacokinetic modelling of the natural aminoacid taurine administered IV and orally in a preclinical animal model of well and undernutrition using software Nonmem 7.0. Also valoration of two commercial enteral diets containing taurine to assess its potential benefit in clinic.


Pharmacokinetic modelling and simulation, mathematic and statistic data analysis, animal handling and undernourishment protocol validation, HPLC analysis, biological samples storage and management.


01/09/2008–30/07/2009: Master’s Degree in Research and Rational Use of Medicines
EQF Level 7

Final mark: 10/10 summa cum laude (Premio extraordinario)


Dept of Pharmacy and Technological Pharmaceutic and Dept of Pharmacology, University of Valencia – Av. Vicent Andrés Estellés, 46100 Valencia (Spain)

Final Project: [In situ study of the effect of naringin on intestinal absorption of saquinavir in rats] “Estudio de la absorción intestinal de Saquinavir y la influencia de Narangin”

  • Advanced skills in Drug Design, Development and Control: Instrumental Analysis, Preclinical Testing and Quality Control of Drugs.
  • Biostatistics (univariate and multivariate analysis), Population pharmacokinetic modelling,
  • Research Methodology and Pharmaceutical Care.


01/06/2009–01/07/2009: Animal Research Investigator Training: Project Management and Animal Handling
EQF Level 7


Universidad de Valencia – Av. Vicent Andrés Estellés s/n, 46100 Valencia (Spain)


Researcher (C) responsible for design and management of experimental procedures with laboratory animals. Acreditated by the Spanich Goverment, Consellería de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación (2007/CAE/C/008


01/09/2003–30/06/2008: Degree in Pharmacy
EQF Leven 7

University of Valencia – Av. Vicent Andrés Estellés s/n, 46100 Burjassot (Valencia) (Spain)

  • Design, manufacture and analysis of medicines;
  • Operation of pharmaceutical instrumentation;
  • Production of pharmacy-specific scientific documentation;
  • Ability to work carefully, methodically and accurately;
  • Communicate effectively with patients and other health professionals



Mother tounge(s): Spanish

Other Languages:

English: Understanding C1 Speaking B2 Writing B2 (First Certificate in English – ESOL)

Catalan: Understanding C1 Speaking C1 Writing C1 (Certificat de grau mitjà de coneixements de valencià)

Italian: Understanding B2 Speaking B1 Writing A2



  • Strong commitment to team environment dynamics with the ability to contribute expertise and follow leadership directives at appropriate times, competences mainly acquired during the IDM contract linked with the Polythecnic University of Valencia and the Pharmaceutical Technology Department of Valencia
  • Excellent personal motivation with a proven ability to build and work collaboratively in a strong team concept environment and independently, developed during colllaboration with other Universities (Università degli studi di Cagliari) and with the Industry (L’Oreal)



  • Troubleshooting in drug analysis and in statystical and simulation software (6 years experience in the Technological Pharmacy Department of Valencia): strong problem-solving, analytical and programing skills
  • During my several works and grants in differents fields I have learnt to be proficient in using technology to enhance data and information management
  • Handling, administration of substances, surgical procedures and sampling performed on laboratory animals (mouse, rat and rabbit) and also in vitro skin permeation studies (pig and human skin).
  • During my IDM work I have developed quick learning skills and showed the ability to adapt to any environment: Multitasking and timemanagement, due to the multidisciplinar work carried out (chromatographic and spectroscopic analysis, microscopy, laboratory animals, data analysis and simulation, laboratory teaching)
  • Motivated reasercher with pedagogical competencies, mentor of several undergraduated and graduated students in the Department of Pharmaceutic Technology of Valencia from all over the world (Spain, Italy, Poland, India, Brasil, Argentina, Mexico)



  • The Ph.D. degree and my attendace to several courses provided me strong computer skills in PK/PD modelling software: Nonmem™ (Wings, Pirana), Phoenix Winnolin™.
  • Excellent computer skills in statistical and exploratory analysis programs (SPSS™, Splus™, Rstudio™) gained as a Master and Ph.D. student,
  • Good command of image processing and analysis software (ImageJ™) of fluorescent microscope images due to the project carried out with L’Oreal™, and also good HPLC processing programs skills (Waters™-Breezze- and Perkin Elmer™ -TotalCrhom).
  • Excellent command of Microsoft Office™ tools (Word™, Excel™ and PowerPoint™)



  • Creative, critical thinking, easily managed, honest







  • Therapeutic efficacy of quercetin enzyme-responsive nanovesicles for the treatment of experimental colitis in rats. Castangia I, Nácher A, Caddeo C, Merino V, Díez-Sales O, Catalán-Latorre A, Fernàndez-Busquets X, Fadda AM, Manconi M. Acta Biomater. 2015 Feb;13:216-27. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2014.11.017;


  • Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose films for the ophthalmic delivery of diclofenac sodium. El-Sousi S, Nácher A, Mura C, Catalán-Latorre A, Merino V, Merino-Sanjuán M, Díez-Sales O. J Pharm Pharmacol. 2013 Feb;65(2):193-200. doi: 10.1111/j.2042-7158.2012.01587.x;


  • Animal model of undernutrition for the evaluation of drug pharmacokinetics. Merino-Sanjuán M, Catalán-Latorre A, Nácher A, Miralles-Arnau S, Jiménez-Torres NV. Nutr Hosp. 2011 Nov-Dec;26(6):1296-304. doi: 10.1590/S0212-16112011000600016;


  • In situ study of the effect of naringin, talinolol and protein-energy undernutrition on intestinal absorption of saquinavir in rats. Catalán-Latorre A, Nácher A, Merino V, Jiménez-Torres NV, Merino-Sanjuán M. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2011 Oct;109(4):245-52. doi: 10.1111/j.1742-7843.2011.00714.x;



  • Member of the he Institute of Molecular Recognition and Technological Development (IDM), Spain



  • [Erlotinib intestinal absorption in Wistar rat: dose and intestinal portion-influence on absorption rate] “Absorción intestinal del erlotinib en rata Wistar: influencia de la dosis y del tramo intestinal sobre la velocidad de absorción”, VIII Workshop on sensors and molecular recognition, Valencia (Spain), 3rd and 4th July, 2014.


  • [Influence of narangin on intestinal absorption of erlotinib in rats] “Estudio de la influencia del narangín sobre el proceso de absorción intestinal del erlotinib en rata”, VIII Workshop on sensors and molecular recognition, Valencia (Spain), 3rd and 4th July, 2014.


  • Impact of nutritional status on the erlotinib pharmacokinetics in rats. VI Workshop on sensors and molecular recognition, Valencia (Spain), 5th and 6th July, 2012.


  • [Development of new dosage forms of diclofenac sodium-hialuronic acid- chitosan for ocular administration. Preparation and evaluation] “Desarrollo de nuevas formulaciones de diclofenaco sódico-ácido hialurónico-chitosan de administración ocular. Preparación y caracterización.” V Workshop on sensors and molecular recognition, Institute of Molecular Recognition and Technological Development (IDM), Valencia (Spain). 30th June and 1st July, 2011


  • [Caracterization of ocular inserts of diclofenac with sodium hyaluronate/(Hydroxypropyl)methyl cellulose] “Caracterización de insertos oculares de diclofenaco con hialuronidato sódico/hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa” Curso Formación en Formulación Magistral “Secundum Artem”. Pharmacists Association of Valencia (Spain). Best oral communication in Research. 9th-20th May, 2011.


  • [Oral bioavailability of leucine administered in enteral diets: Influence of the nutritional status] “Biodisponibilidad oral de Leucina administrada en dietas enterales: Influencia del estado nutricional”. IV Jornadas de actualización en investigación biomédica 2010. Conselleria de Sanidad, y Unidad de Investigación Oftalmológoca H.U. Dr Peset, Valencia (Spain). 14th-16 th October, 2010.


  • [Undernourishment model in adult Wistar rat] “Establecimiento de un modelo de desnutrición en rata Wistar adulta”. III Jornadas de Modelización y Simulación en Biomedicina. Barcelona, (Spain). 26th and 27th November, 2009




  • A Mechanistic Population Pharmacokinetic Model For Taurine In Well And Undernourished Rats. Ana Catalán-Latorre, Amparo Nácher, Virginia Merino, N. Víctor Jiménez-Torres, Matilde Merino-Sanjuán. Twenty-third Page meeting, Alicante (Spain), 10th-13rd June, 2014.


  • Simulation of Plasmatic Taurine Levels In Well And Undernourished Rats After Enteral Diet Administration. Ana Catalán-Latorre, Amparo Nácher, Virginia Merino, N. Víctor Jiménez-Torres, Matilde Merino-Sanjuán. Twenty-third Page meeting, Alicante (Spain), 10th-13rd June 2014.


  • [Pharmacokinetics of a conditionally essential aminoacid in dietary disorders] “Farmacocinética de un aminoácido condicionalmente esencial en estados carenciales”. XI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Farmacia Industrial y Galénica, Alicante (Spain), 6th-8th February, 2013.


  • “Effects of undernutrition on oral taurine pharmacokinetics”. 3rd Congress of UV pharmacy students-1st international edition, Valencia (Spain), 12th and 13th March, 2013. [Impact of undernutrition on Erlotinib PK parameters] “Impacto de la desnutrición sobre los parámetros farmacocinéticos de erlotinib”. II Congrés d’estudiants de Farmàcia UV, Valencia (Spain), 13 th and 14 th March, 2012.


  • [Taurine PK modelling: influence of dose and nutritional status on taurine clearance in wistar rats] “Modelado farmacocinético de taurina: influencia del estado nutricional y la dosis sobre el aclaramiento en ratas wistar” II Congrés d’estudiants de Farmàcia UV, Valencia (Spain), 13 th and 14 th March 2012.


  • [Influece of undernutrition on the pharmacokinetic parameters of taurine after IV and oral administration in wistar rats] “Influencia de la desnutrición en los parámetros farmacocinéticos de taurina administrada por vía oral e intravenosa en ratas wistar”. VI Workshop on sensors and molecular recognition. Valencia (Spain), 5th and 6th July, 2012.


  • “Congress of students: A good tool to improve the transferable skills in pharmacy” Garrigues TM, Ferrándiz ML, Vargas M., Sánchez, J.P., Catalán-Latorre, A. European association of faculties of pharmacy (EAFP). Annual conference, Lisbon (Portugal), 23rd-25th June, 2011.


  • [Saquinavir intestinal absorption in rats: influence od undernutrition] “Mecanismo de absorción intestinal de saquinavir en rata: Influencia de la desnutrición”. Catalán Latorre, A. Nácher, V. Merino, N.V. Jiménez Torres, M. Merino-Sanjuán. I Congreso de Estudiantes de Farmacia Universidad de Valencia. Valencia (Spain),14th and 15th March, 2011.


  • [Methods for the evaluation of bioavailability of topical formulations]“Métodos para evaluar la bioequivalencia de formas tópicas” Esther Barba Serrano, A. Catalán Latorre, A. Nácher, O. Diez, V. Merino. I Congreso de Estudiantes de Farmacia Universida de Valencia. Valencia (Spain),14th and 15th March, 2011.
    • [In situ intestinal hydrolysis of an antineoplastic prodrug. Influence of undernutrition] “Hidrólisis intestinal in situ de un profármaco antineoplásico. Influencia de la desnutrición”. A. Catalán Latorre, A. Nácher, M. Merino-Sanjuán, N.V. Jiménez Torres. Póster en I Congreso de Estudiantes de Farmacia Universidad de Valencia. Valencia (Spain),14th and 15th March, 2011.
    • [Undernourishment and gastrointestinal absorption of capecitabine in rats] “Desnutrición y absorción gastrointestinal de Capecitabina en rata”. Merino-Sanjuán, A. Catalán Latorre, A. Nácher, N.V. Jiménez Torres. X Congreso de SEFIG. Madrid (Spain), 2nd-4thFebruary, 2011.


  • [Influence of narangin, talinolol and protein–energy malnutrition on the intestinal absorption of drugs in rats] “Influencia del Narangín, el Talinolol y la Desnutrición calórico-protéica en la absorción intestinal de fármacos en rata”. Saquinavir como fármaco modelo.” A. Catalán Latorre, A. Nácher, V. Merino, N.V. Jiménez Torres. X Congreso de la SEFIG. Madrid (Spain), 2nd-4 thFebruary, 2011
  • [Undernutrition and leucine intestinal absorption from enteral diets] “Desnutrición y absorción intestinal de leucina contenida en dietas enterales”. S. Miralles Arnau, M. Merino-Sanjuán, A. Nácher, A. Catalán Latorre, N.V. Jiménez Torres. III Jornadas de Modelización y Simulación en Biomedicina. Barcelona (Spain), 26th and 27th November, 2009.
  • [Relationship between sleep apnoea and Metabolic síndrome] “Relación entre el síndrome de apnea-hipoapnea del sueño (SAHS) y el síndrome metabólico (SM)”. Latorre Ibáñez, J. Díaz Gomez, M. Tajahuerce Romera, R Díaz Expósito, A. Catalán Latorre, M. Martín Bellés y V. Aparici Sos. XXIX Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española Medicina Nuclear. Valencia (Spain), 25th-27 th June, 2008.
  • [Influence of the geometry of samples on the measurement of Chrome-51 to determine corpuscular and blood volums] “Influencia de la Geometría de la muestra en las medidas Cromo-51 para calcular volúmenes globulares y sanguíneos”. Sivera Forcada, I. Rosell Ramia, J. Pérez Saborit, A. Catalán Latorre, M. Tajahuerce Romera, J. Nebot Martínez, y D. Latorre Ibáñez. XXIX Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española Medicina Nuclear. Valencia (Spain), 25th-27 th June, 2008




  • 2014: Roche Applied Science, [Real Time PCR and DNA sequencing: Applications], Valencia (Spain).
  • 2013: R Satellite course on Modeling and Simulation in Biomedicine. Pharmamar Industries, Madrid (Spain).


  • 2013: SPSS V. 20.0. University of Valencia.


  • 2013: Adobe Acrobat V.11. University of Valencia.


  • 2013: Microsoft PowerPoint 2010. University of Valencia


  • 2012: Microsoft Excel 2010 professional. University of Valencia.


  • 2012: II Workshop on Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodinamic modelling. Vasque Country University.


  • 2011: Microsoft Word 2010 professional. University of Valencia.


  • 2010: [QSAR methods in drug development] Métodos QSAR en el desarrollo de medicamentos. International seminar Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas (Cuba) and University of Valencia (Spain).


  • 2009: [Preparation of samples for analysis] Preparación de muestras para análisis”, Mr. Axel Schöner (CEM), Valencia (Spain).


  • 2009: Curso de formación para el personal responsable del diseño y dirección de procedimientos experimentales con animales. Categoría C. Universidad de Valencia. Servei Central de Suport a la Investigació experimental. Acreditado por la Consellería de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación (2007/CAE/C/008).


  • 2008: [Improvements on Oncology and Surgery] Avances en Oncología y cirugía University Jaime I, Castellón (Spain).


  • 2007: [Wisdom on ageing: psychological, medical and social aspect] El arte y la sabiduría de envejecer: aspectos psicológicos, médicos y sociales, University Jaime I, Castelllón (Spain)


  • 2007: [I Meeting on updates on neurologic disorders: Alzheimer disease and related dementia] I Seminario de actualización sobre enfermedades neurológicas: Enfermedad de Alzheimer y demencias relacionadas, Menéndez Pelayo International University, Valencia (Spain).


  • 2007: [First aid seminar] Curso de primeros auxilios, Spanish Red Cross, Valencia (Spain).


  • 2007: [Agriculture, landscape and environment ]Agricultura paisaje y medio ambiente, Bankia Fundation and University Jaime I, Castellón (Spain).


  • 2006: [Pharmaceutical care] Curso de atención farmacéutica, University of Valencia.


  • 2006: [Basic Pharmaceutical care seminar] Curso básico de atención farmacéutica, Formación de Correo farmacéutico y Cátedra Universidad de Granada-Sandoz (Spain)


REFERENCES: References are available on request

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