CV Akram Sharif Moghadam



Exercise training with vascular occlusion

The effect of Post-Activation Potentiation on performance



Course of physical fitness



2014 – Present, PhD student, Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Hakim Sabzevari University. Sabzevar, Iran

 Dissertation Title: The effect of three different resistance training programm with and without blood flow restriction on some indices of hypertrophy, sarcopenia and physical function in elderly women

2009 – 2011, MS., Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Hakim Sabzevari University. Sabzevar, Iran.

Dissertation Title: The effect of strength training with and without vascular occlusion on muscular function and cardiovascular endurance in young girls.

1998 – 2001, B.S., Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


PUBLICATIONS (Selected publisher articles – PEER REVIEWED JOURNALS):

The comparison of the effect of traditional strength training with and without vascular occlusion on muscle function and cardiovascular endurance in young girls

Hosseini Kakhk SAR, Sharifi Moghadam A, Hamedinia MR. Journal of HARKAT 2011, no 10, PP: 95-114 (in Persian)

Hosseini Kakhak SAR, Nasrabadi S, Haghighi AH, Sharifi Moghadam A. The effect of combined exercise training program on some physical fitness factors in mentally retarded girls. JPSBS, Birjand University, (in Press)



Hosseini-Kakhk SAR, Sharifi-Moghadam A. “Sudden Death in athletes”, under publication (2016), Hakim Sabzevari University Publication



Sharifi Moghadam A, Badri N, Hosseini Kakhak SAR. The effect of two different timing of post-activation potentiation on muscle strength and endurance in athlete girls. International congress on physical education and sport sciences. 9-10th March 2016 – Tehran – Iran. Oral presentation.



Physical Fitness Coaching, grade 3

Aerobics Coaching, grade 3

Swedish massage Coaching

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