

ILEARNTV Anywhere Anytime. MIUR, 10ME.

ILEARNTV will promote the evolution of school communities towards a new paradigm based on shared knowledge and collaborative production. In support of the current transition phase experienced by over 700,000 teachers in Italy, ILEARNTV will define new models for teachers’ training through an innovative platform and new methods of multichannel delivery of digital training content via PCs, tablets and smartphones. The platform will consist of an advanced Software-as-a-Service Learning Content Management System (LCMS) in which the Cloud infrastructure is responsible of managing hardware resources and the software level makes access the platform’s application functions to end users. A digital repository serves as the underlying level of content management where the learning material is indexed and made available for re-use. Above of this, an application layer is built for a collaborative creation of multi-format and multi-media training content based on predefined and customizable templates In this way, ILEARNTV will support teachers in managing technological changes experienced in their teaching, reducing the costs and the time generally required for traditional training.

DECODE – DEcentralised Citizens Owned Data Ecosystem. EU, 5 ME.

DECODE will increase digital sovereignty of European citizens by enabling them to produce, access and control their data and exchange contextualised information in real-time, and in a confidential, and scalable manner. DECODE will develop a modular privacy-aware IoT hub with a free and open source operating system backed by a state of the art blockchain infrastructure supporting smart-contracts and privacy protections.The architecture will be demonstrated through four pilots in Barcelona and Amsterdam, in the field of digital democracy, citizen sensing, and collaborative economy. The pilots will be run with the active involvement of social entrepreneurs, hackers, and makers. Innovators will be able to build solutions on top of the platform through hackathons and open challenges, while ensuring their security, resilience and privacy preserving qualities. This aims to create a decentralised innovation ecosystem that will attract a critical mass able to shift the current centralised data-driven economy towards a decentralised, sustainable and commons-based economy. DECODE puts agency and data control in the hands of citizens, to improve citizens’ well-being and society for the collective benefit of all.

ELIOS – E-Learning Interactive OpportunitieS. MIUR, 1.2 ME.

ELIOS will promote the adoption of e-learning in higher education. With ELIOS, it will be possible to be enrolled in four Blended Degree Courses in the following areas: Administration and Organization, Cultural Heritage and Entraitainment, Economics and Business Administration, Electrical Electronic and Computer Engineering. The student enrolled in the blended e-learning channel will have the same burdens in terms of study programs and examswith respect to traditional students. Moreover, they will receive the same title at the end of the course of study. Students in the blended e-learning channel will be able to follow most of the courses online, anywhere, any time, with any device. Teaching material will always be available online into a dedicated Learning Content Management Systems (LCMS). The latter will make possible both asynchronous and synchronous learning activities. Students will also exploit a specific multi-channel technical assistance service aimed at supporting anyone in distance learning. Exam programs and the final degree will be the same as for the traditional degree course.

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