

Mirko Marras was born on April 19, 1992 in Iglesias (Italy). He is a second-year Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Cagliari (Italy), advised by Prof. Gianni Fenu. He received the Master’s Degree in Computer Science (cum laude, 1 year and a half) from the same University in 2016. He received the national certification for Computer Science Engineering from the University of Pisa (Italy) in 2016. His PhD studies are funded by the Operational Programme of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, European Social Fund 2014-2020, Axis III “Education and Training”, Topic Goal 10, Investment Priority 10ii, Specific Goal 10.5.

In 2015, he was involved as Junior Researcher in the ELIOS Project (MIUR, 1.2 ME), collaborating with the UnitelCagliari team. In late 2017 and early 2018, he spent five months as Visiting PhD Student at Eurecat – Technology Centre of Catalonia (Spain), collaborating with the Data Science and Big Data Analytics team on the DECODE Project (EU, 5 ME), under the supervision of Dr. Ludovico Boratto and Dr. David Laniado. He has been involved as Junior Researcher in the ILEARNTV Project (MIUR, 10 ME) since early 2018. He has been teaching assistant for the “Computer Networks” course given by Prof. Gianni Fenu since 2017. He has been thesis assistant of several students enrolled in Computer Science degree courses since 2017.

In 2014, he was recognized as the best third-year student of the Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science of the University of Cagliari (Italy). In 2016, he was recognized as the Best Master’s Degree Student of the Faculty of Science and one of the Top 12 Master’s Degree Students of the same University. In 2017, he won the Best Poster Award at the “European Semantic Web Conference 2017” (ESWC). In 2017, he has been awarded an Erasmus+ PlaceDoc scholaship to spend 5 months at the Eurecat – Technology Centre of Catalonia (Spain). In 2018, he received an Honorable Mention for the Best Demonstration Award at “The Web Conference 2018” (former WWW) and won the Best Paper Award at “Didamatica 2018”, an Italian conference on e-learning technologies. In 2018, he has been awarded an Erasmus+ PlaceDoc scholaship to spend 3 months at the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) and a GlobusDoc scholarship to spend 2 months at the New York University: Tandon School of Engineering (U.S.A).

He has co-authored several scientific papers published in the proceedings of international conferences and journals. His research interests currently focus on image processing, signal processing, machine learning and deep learning technologies applied to multi-biometric data and multimedia content. He is IEEE and ACM student member since 2017.

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