
Mar 292011

Social Enterprise and Social Innovation”

July 18 th – 23 rd, 2011

University Residential Centre of Bertinoro

The term, Social Innovation, is currently riding the waves of success in the social sciences, particularly in Economics, Sociology, and Political Science; so much so that in recent years research centers, think tanks, journals, and foundations have been created in order to support the phenomenon.  This is much due to the fact that it has also become the rallying cry of many Western political administrations. Due to its multi-disciplinary approach, it is not surprising that there is a vast array of definitions tied to Social Innovation; some of which are complementary and others not: this brings scholars and policy makers to a difficult work in order to approach the Innovation in the Social Economy Sector.

ESSE tries to fill an important gap in the list of courses currently offered to European students in economics and social studies, and would like to be an innovative place where to deepen the research and practice of Social Innovation in the European context.

In a full-immersion week, ESSE will bring together an interdisciplinary group of students and scholars engaged in the analysis of the Social Economy Sector and the interplay between economic activity and society, discussing the above-listed topics from different points of view, with a comparison of the European and International experiences.

General objectives

ESSE intends to face the following topics: Social Innovation and Social Economy, Social Entrepreneurship and the Innovation Cycle, Management and Finance for Social Innovation, Innovation in Social Economy Enterprises.

Expected Outputs

ESSE would like to be an opportunity for students and practitioners to deepen those topics in a multi-disciplinary approach, allowing them to enhance their knowledge and improve their skills in order to work in and study the Sector. This intent will be reached within an international perspective, and allowing participants to present their projects.


(click on the link to look a brief bio or the Instituion website)

Leonardo BECCHETTI University of Tor Vergata, Rome (Italy)
Marie J. BOUCHARD UQAM – Chaire de recerche en economie sociale (Canada)
Taco BRANDSEN Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands)
Simone FERRIANI University of Bologna (Italy)
Lars HULGÅRD Roskilde University (Denmark) – EMES (Belgium)
Geoff MULGAN The Young Foundation (UK)
Christian SEELOS University of Navarra, IESE Business School (Spain)
Dennis R. YOUNG Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia (USA)
Stefano ZAMAGNI University of Bologna (Italy)

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