Project team




Giuliana Mandich is a Professor of sociology at the University of Cagliari. Her long lasting interest is on time and space experience. She is currently working on mobilities and on futures within a cultural perspective. She has  the academic lead on the iFuture project. Her focus in the project is about narratives of the future.



coisEster Cois is a Researcher of Sociology at the Department of Social Sciences and Institutions, University of Cagliari (Italy). In 2001 she obtained a PhD in “Comparative Social Research” at the University of Turin, under the supervision of Professor Chiara Saraceno. Her main research interests concern the issues of gender, evolution of family models, social quality in urban areas, with regard to the mechanisms of social exclusion, social cohesion and empowerment. Her focus in the project is about the construction of representations about family and gender careers on a future perspective.



Valentina Cuzzocrea is a Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Cagliari. Since her postgraduate work (she has a MA and a PhD from the University of Essex) she has developed an interest in how young people become adult through the work experience. She is vice coordinator of the ESA RN 30 Youth & Generation.






isabellaSimona Isabella is a research fellow at the Department of Social Sciences and Institutions, University of Cagliari (Italy). In 2006 she obtained a PhD in “Science, Technology and Society”. Her main research interests concern the sociology of communication and in particular her studies focus on Computer Mediated Communication, mobile phone and mobile Internet, Social Networking both from theoretical and methodological point of view. Her focus in the project is about media influence on narratives of the future.



ferrariMyriam Ferrari is a retired school teacher with a strong experience in Sociological research. Her main interests concern the Sociology of education and the Sociology of tourism. She joined the project to lead the collection of the written essays in Cagliari High Schools.



Silvia Vargiu is a research fellow at the Department of Social Sciences and Institutions at the University of Cagliari (Italy). In 2011 she graduated in Planning and Management of Policies and Social Services. In the project she is focused in analysis of youth policies and identification of best practices.


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