

If we look at the discourse emerging in the political sphere and the media a widespread alarm with regard to young people’s situation seems to grow in Italy. If the concern with “the lost generation” is high in Europe today, Italian Youth seems to be particularly hopeless and helpless.  Expressions such as “immobile youths” or voiceless generation”  convey immediately the idea of a future which has been appropriated by oldest generations  and erased for the young ones. The struggle for the future seems to be the new field of social and political conflict.

How is it possible for young people today to produce their future? This project’ aim is to answer this question looking on the one side at the institutional conditions framing youth transition in Italy and on the other way the cultural resources they use to project into the future.


contatti | accessibilità Università degli Studi di Cagliari
C.F.: 80019600925 - P.I.: 00443370929
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