Apr 302014

Nell’ambito del programma Science with and for Society (sul canale Youtube 5 brevi presentazioni che lo descrivono) il 14 maggio 2014 si terrà a Bruxelles un brokerage event con incontri bilaterali pre-organizzati al fine di facilitare la creazione di partenariati e collaborazioni internazionali. La partecipazione al brokerage event è gratuita, previa registrazione sul sito ufficiale dell’evento.

The main objective of the Science with and for Society networking event is to provide first-hand information by the European Commission officials about the first Horizon 2020 Science with and for Society 2014-2015 calls, launched on the 11th December 2013, and to bring all stakeholders together (universities, research institutions, civil society organisations, SMEs, public bodies, Science Centres etc.), in order to meet potential coordinators and partners in a fruitful networking environment.In particular, at the Science with and for Society information event, participants will receive information on the following research areas:

  • Making science education and careers attractive for young people (SEAC*);
  • Promoting gender equality in research and innovation (GERI*);
  • Integrating society in science and innovation (ISSI*);
  • Developing governance for the advancement of responsible research and innovation (GARRI*)

Maggiori informazioni rispetto all’evento nonché la bozza di programma, e la possibilità di registrarsi sono disponibili al link: http://www.b2match.eu/science-society-2014

contatti | accessibilità Università degli Studi di Cagliari
C.F.: 80019600925 - P.I.: 00443370929
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