Ott 112002



11/14 OTTOBRE 2002
S. Margherita di Pula

Second International Seminar on Sardinian and Developing Countries Universities Collaboration


Venerdì 11 ottobre
Hotel Costa dei Fiori – S. Margherita di Pula
20.00 Welcome dinner

Sabato 12 ottobre
8.30 Transfer to Cagliari by bus

Opening Cerimony
University of Cagliari – Aula Magna

9.45 Welcome address and introduction to the Seminary.
P. Mistretta, Rector of the University of Cagliari

The Alghero – Sassari declaration
A. Maida, Rector of the University of Sassari

The role of the Regional Government in the development of the international cooperation
M. Pili, President of the Regional Government

10.15 Speeches of the Rectors and Representatives of the Foreign Universities

I. Ashour, University of Ismailia (Egypt)

J. Astudillo, University of Cuenca (Ecuador)

Z. Baùque Ustà, University of Maputo (Mozambique)

10.45 The role of the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) in the development of training and research cooperation
M. Palazzolo (MAE)
11.00 The potential of the Regional Law 19/96 in developing international cooperation in training and research
G. Duranti (Sardinian Region)

11.15 Opportunities from EU sixth framework programme in research cooperation
G. Rossi (APRE)

11.30 Cooperation projects between Sardinia and Benin
F. Adandedjan (Chief Official for Italian-Benin cooperation)

12.15 Buffet

13.45 Sightseeing of Cagliari and Nora archaeological site

18.00 Return to the Hotel Costa dei Fiori

19.00 Presentation of the seminar activities scheduled on Sunday
L. Fanfani and S. Rubino

20.00 Dinner
domenica 13 ottobre
Hotel Costa dei Fiori

All day contemporary subsessions

A. Cooperation in the Health and Medical field

B. Cooperation in the Environmental, Agricultural and Agroindustrial field

C. Cooperation in the Social, Cultural, Technological and Economic field
9.00 Presentation of the research and educational activities performed or planned by the participants

13.00 Lunch

15.30 Round-tables on the openings offered by international and national institutions on the multilateral cooperation.

20.00 Social dinner at the Hotel

Monday, October 14

9.00 Plenary session
L.Fanfani and P. Cappuccinelli

– Recommendations from the three subsessions
– Funding of joint project proposals
– Student and academic staff mobility
– A project for the Mediterranean College
– The future of SAGUC as a network or an independent international academic association.
12.30 Lunch

14.30 Departure to Cagliari and airport by minibus

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