Elenco per paese

  • Canada, Halyfax N.S.,
    Dalhousie University, “Basi biologiche del comportamento suicidale” – Note di stampa: 1 2
  • France,
    Bilateral Agreement for the academic year 2010/2013
    Lifelong Learning Programme Higher Education – ERASMUS
    Between UniCA and Ecole des Neurosciences de Paris Ile-de-France (Erasmus ID code F PARIS011)
    Academic contact: Italy Prof.ssa Micaela Morelli
    France: Prof. Etienne Hirsch, CRICM UPMC/Inserm UMR_S975/CNRS UMR7225 GH Pitiè-Salpetriere Bat. Pharmacie – 4ème étage47 Bld de l’Hopital 75651 Paris Cedex 13
  • Israel,
    Cooperation agreement between Technion-Israel, Institute of Technology and University of Cagliari.
    Type of agreement: Framework agreement
    Date agreed: November 13 2011
    Expiry Date: November 13 2016
    Agreement entails: Scientific research, high education and mobility of PhD students, teachers, researchers and technical staff.
    Coordinator: Prof. Micaela Morelli
  • USA, Ohio,
    Accordo GLOBUS Tesi con Ohio State University, Columbus – OHIO
    Depts of Psychology & Neuroscience, Professor John P. Bruno Director – Neuroscience Undergraduate Degree
    (Referente Dott.ssa Valentina Valentini)
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