

Fadda, P., Fancello, G., Frigau, L., Mandas, M., Medda, A., Mola, F., Pelligra, V., Porta, M., Serra, P., (2021). “Investigating the Role of Human Element in Maritime Accidents using Semi-Supevised Hierarchical Methods”, Transportation Research Procedia, 2021, pp. 252-259.

Medda, T., Pelligra, V., Reggiani, T., (2021). “Does repeated participation in laboratory experiments affect pro-social behaviour?”, Games 12(1), 18.

Becchetti, L., Corazzini, L., Pelligra, V., (2021). “Trust and Trustworthiness in Corrupted Economic Environments”, Games 12(1), 16.

Pelligra, V., Vasquez A. (2020). “Empathy in Socially Responsible Consumption: An Experimental Investigation Using the Vote-With-the-Wallet Game“, Theory and Decision 89(4), pp. 383–422.

Pelligra, V., Reggiani, T., Zizzo, D.J. (2020). “Responding to (Un)Reasonable Requests by an Authority”, Theory and Decision 89(3), pp. 287–311.

Becchetti, L. Corrado, G., Pelligra, V., Rossetti, F., (2020), “Satisfaction and preferences in a legality social dilemma: Does corporate social responsibility impact consumers’ behaviour?“, Journal of Policy Modeling 42(2), pp. 483-502.

Bruni, L., Pelligra, V., Reggiani, T. and Rizzolli, M., (2019), “The Pied Piper: Prizes, Incentives, and Motivation Crowding-in“, Journal of Business Ethics. 

Isoni, A., Poulsen, A., Sugden, R. and Tsutsui, K,. (2019) “Focal points and payoff information in tacit bargaining“, Games and Economic Behavior.

Antoci, A., Bonelli, L., Paglieri, F., Reggiani, T., Sabatini F. (2019), “Civility and trust in social media“, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 160: 83-99.

Frigau, L., Medda, T., Pelligra, V., (2018), “From the Field to the Lab. An Experiment on the Representativeness of Standard Laboratory Subjects”, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. (WP version)

Isoni, A. and Sugden, R. (2018) “Reciprocity and the paradox of trust in psychological game theory“, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

Becchetti, L., Pelligra, V., Salustri, F., (2018), “The Impact of Redistribution Mechanisms in the Vote with the Wallet Game: Experimental Results”,  Social Choice and Welfare (WP version)

Becchetti, L., Pelligra, V., Salustri, F., Vásquez, A., (2018), “Gender differences in Socially Responsible Consumption. An Experimental Investigation“, Applied Economics, 50(33), 3630-3643 (WP Version)

Navarro-Martinez, D., Loomes, G., Isoni, A., Butler, D. and Alaoui, L. (2018) “Boundedly rational expected utility theory“, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 57, 3, 199-223

Becchetti, L., Pelligra, V., Reggiani, T., (2017), “Information, Belief Elicitation and Threshold Effects in the 5X1000 Tax Scheme: A Framed Field Experiment” (WP version)”, International Tax and Public Finance, 24(6), 1026-1049 (press coverage:, Unione

Conrads J., Reggiani T. (2017), “The effect of communication channels on promise-making and promise-keeping: Experimental evidence“, Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination. 

Conrads, J., Irlenbusch, B., Reggiani, T., Rilke, R.M., Sliwka, D., (2017) “How to Hire Helpers? Evidence from a Field Experiment“, Experimental Economics 19(3): 577–594

Marchegiani L. , Reggiani T., Rizzolli M. (2016), “Loss averse agents and lenient supervisors in performance appraisal“, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 131(A): 183–197.

Isoni, A., Brooks, P., Loomes, G. and Sugden, R. (2016) “Do markets reveal preferences or shape them?“, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 122, 1-16

Liberati, A., Fadda, R., Doneddu, G., Congiu, S., Javarone, M., Striano, T., Chessa, A. (2017). A Statistical Physics Perspective to Understand Social Visual Attention in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Perception, 0(0), 1-25.

Becchetti, L., Pelligra, V., Salustri, F., (2016), “Testing for Heterogeneity of Preferences in Randomized Experiments: A Satisfaction-Based Approach Applied to Multiplayer Prisoners’ Dilemmas”, Applied Economic Letters.

Fadda, R., Parisi, M., Ferretti, L., Saba, G., Foscoliano, M., Salvago, A., Doneddu, G. (2016), Exploring the role of Theory of Mind in Moral Judment: the case of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1-8.

Conrads, J., Reggiani, T., Rilke, R.M., (2016), “Reducing Ambiguity in Lotteries: Evidence from a Field Experiment“,  Applied Economics Letters 23(3): 206-211.

Fadda, R., Parisi, M., Ferretti, L., Saba, G., Foscoliano, M., Salvago, A., Doneddu, G., (2016), “Exploring the Role of Theory of Mind in Moral Judgment: The Case of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder“, Frontiers in Psychology 7: 1-8.

Bigoni, M., Fort, M., Nardotto, M., Reggiani, T.,  (2015), “Cooperation or Competition? A Field Experiment on Non-Monetary Learning Incentives“, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 15(4): 1753–1792

Pelligra, V., Isoni, A., Fadda, R., Doneddu, G., (2015) “Theory of Mind, Perceived Intentions and Reciprocal Behaviour: Evidence from Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder“, Journal of Economic Psychology n. 49, 95–107

Preti, A., Melis, M., Siddi, S., Vellante, M., Doneddu, G., Fadda, R., (2014). “Oxytocin and Autism: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials”, Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 24(2), 54-68.

Isoni, A., Poulsen, A., Sugden, R. and Tsutsui, K. (2014) “Efficiency, equality, and labeling : an experimental investigation of focal points in explicit bargaining“, American Economic Review, 104, 10, 3256-3287

Monti, M., Pelligra, V., Martignon, L., Berg, N., (2014) “Retail Investors and Financial Advisors: New Evidence on Trust and Advice Taking Heuristics”, Journal of Business Research n. 67(8), pp. 1749–1757.

Pelligra, V., Stanca, L., (2013) “To Give or Not To Give? Equity, Efficiency and Altruistic Behavior in an Artefactual Field Experiment“, Journal of Socio-Economics 46, pp. 1-9.

Pelligra, V., (2012), The Permeable Limit. Constructing a Shared Intersubjective Space in Strategic Interactions, in Paglieri, F., Tummolini, L., Falcone, R., & Miceli, M., (eds.), The Goals of Cognition, London, College Publications.

Pelligra, V., (2012), Governare la Fiducia: Reputazione, Informazione e Relazioni Interpersonali, in Scillitani, L., Becchi, P., (Eds.), Fiducia e Sicurezza. Un Confronto Pluridisciplinare, Soveria Manelli, Rubettino.

Fadda, R., Rapinett, G., Grathwohl, D., Parisi, M., Fanari, R., Calò, C.M., Schmitt, J., (2012). “Effects of drinking supplementary water at school on cognitive performance in children”, Appetite, 59, 730-737.

Siegal, M., Fadda, R., Overton, P.G., (2011). “Contamination sensitivity and the development of disease-avoidant behavior”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society-B, vol.366, n.1583, 3359-3490.

Pelligra, V., (2011) “Empathy, Guilt-Aversion, and Patterns of Reciprocity”, Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology and Economics.

Pelligra, V., (2011), Trustful Banking. A Psychological Game-Theoretical Model of Fiduciary Interactions in Micro-Credit Programs, in Sacconi, L. & Degli Antoni G. (Eds.), Social capital, Corporate social responsibilityEconomic Behaviour and Performance, London: Palgrave MacMillan.

Bruni, L., Pelligra, V., (2010), The Economic Child. Developmental Aspects of Economic Behavior, International Review of Economics. (Introduction to the Symposium)

Pelligra, V., (2010), Trust Responsiveness: On the Dynamics of Fiduciary Interactions, Journal of Socio-Economics.

Pelligra, V., (2010), Intentions, Trust and Frames: A note on Sociality and the Theory of Games, Review of Social Economy.

Isoni, A., Loomes, G., Sugden, R., (2010), The willingness to pay–willingness to accept gap, the “endowment effect”, subject misconceptions, and experimental procedures for eliciting valuations: a reassessment, American Economic Review.

Isoni, A., (2010), The willingness-to-accept/willingness-to-pay disparity in repeated markets: loss aversion or ‘bad-deal’ aversion?, Theory and Decision.

Bruni, L., Gilli, M., Pelligra, V. (2008), Reciprocity: Theories and Facts (Introduction to the Special Issue), International Review of Economics

Pelligra, V., (2005), Under Trusting Eyes: The Responsive Nature of Trust, in R. Sugden – B. Gui, (Eds.) Economics and Social Interaction: Accounting for the Interpersonal Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


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