Current Projects



Participation in the scientific collaborative project between Dipartimento di scienze chimiche e geologiche of the University of Cagliari and  ARDIS – Agenzia del Distretto Idrografico della Sardegna (Sardinian Regional Agency of Hydrographic District) for the implementation of the Regional Plan for Flood Hazard.

ASI Moon Mapping

Since 2015 the TeleGIS Laboratory is partner, through the Italian Space Agency (ASI), of the Sino- Italian scientific cooperation program for the analysis and processing of satellite data of the Moon.  MoonMappingAgreement2015

WADIS MAR Water harvesting and Agricultural techniques in Dry lands: an Integrated and Sustainable model in MAghreb Regions

WADIS-MAR is a demonstration project funded by European Commission through Sustainable Water Integrated Management (SWIM) Programme. TeleGIS Laboratory is involved in the study of land degradation and impact of salinization of the study areas in Tunisia and Algeria using proximal and remote sensing  data.

SHARE – Coordinator: EvK2-CNR 

SHARE activities are developed according to four distinct tasks: i) Scientific research (Paolo Bonasoni ISAC- CNR), ii) System Technology (Paolo Laj LGGE – CNRS), iii) Information System (Maria Teresa Melis Università di Cagliari), iv) Capacity Building (Stefania Proietti).


“Participatory Management and Development of Central Karakoram National Park (CKNP)- Pakistan”. The SEED project aims to catalyze an integrated social, economic and environmental development, including the realization of Central Karakorum National Park.

Project of Interest NextData

Funding:  MIUR  PNR 2011-2013. Coordination CNR. The general aim of the project is the creation of a national system for the retrieval, storage, access and diffusion of environmental and climate data from mountain and marine areas. TeleGIS Laboratory is involved in the Sub-project 2: Long-term system of digital data on climate and environment, and pilot studies on data use –  NextData SHAREGeoNetwork

I-AMICA High technology infrastructure for Integrated Climatic- Environmental Monitoring

I‐AMICA is characterized by the implementation of an integrated climatic-environmental monitoring facility to provide the Convergence Regions with useful facilities and tools which can upgrade operational standards and the public research system thus encouraging the development of entrepreneurial activities. The infrastructure will supply useful information for decision regarding the environment and environment management. During the PON project I-AMICA has been developed I-AMICA Geonetwork, a system for the publication of a wide variety of metadata and data of environmental interest acquired under the project. The system is based on open source software GeoNetwork. It has been implemented and is in continuous implementation

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