

Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy (SIFA)

3rd SIFA Graduate Conference: “Language, Logic and Mind”

Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy – University of Cagliari

Cagliari, 16th-18th September 2013




Monday 16th September 2013

 Aula Motzo, second floor

Registration and coffee
Greetings of the authoritiesPaola Piras, Comune di Cagliari
Michele Camerota, Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy
Simone Gozzano, Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy (SIFA)
11:00-12:15  Language – Chair: Elisabetta Gola (University of Cagliari)
Keynote speaker: Emma Borg (University of Reading), The Empirical Evidence for Semantics: What Can it Tell us and Why?



Section A, Aula Motzo – Philosophy of Language and Metaphysic
Chair: Francesca Ervas (University of Cagliari)
Section B, Aula 6 – Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind
Chair: Simone Gozzano (University of L’Aquila)
14:30-15:15 Giulia Felappi (King’s College, London), Propositional Attitudes and Deferred Reference Davide Bordini (University of Milan), Phenomenal Intentionality: Transparency Is not Enough
15:15-16:00 Diana Mazzarella (University College London), “Optimal Relevance” as a Pragmatic Criterion. The Role of Epistemic Vigilance François Kammerer (Université Paris-Sorbonne), Conscious Experiences as Ultimate Seemings: Renewing the Phenomenal Concept Strategy

Coffee break


Section A, Aula Motzo – Philosophy of Language and MetaphysicChair: Massimiliano Carrara (University of Padua)
Section B, Aula 6 – Epistemology and Philosophy of MindChair: Massimo Dell’Utri (University of Sassari)
16:30-17:15 Serena Maria Nicoli (University of Turin),
Williamson on the Psychological View. A Criticism
Giacomo Melis (Northern Institute of Philosophy, Aberdeen), UnderstandingUndermining Defeat
17:15-18:00 Dan Zeman (Institut Jean Nicod, Paris), Temporalism in an Extensional Framework Takuya Niikawa (Hokkaido University, Sapporo), Naive Realism and Demonstrative Thought


Tuesday 17th September 2013

Aula Motzo, second floor


9:30-10:45  LogicChair: Francesco Paoli (University of Cagliari)Keynote speaker: J.C. Beall (University of Connecticut & University of Aberdeen), The Knower Paradox as Spandrel of Truth

Coffee break


Section A, Aula Motzo – Logic and Philosophy of ScienceChair: Antonio Ledda (University of Cagliari)
Section B, Aula 6 – Philosophy of Language and Metaphysics

Chair: Maria Grazia Rossi (University of Cagliari)
11:15-12:00 Fabio Corpina (University of Cagliari),  The Ancient Master Argument and Two Examples of Contemporary Tense Logic Samuele Iaquinto (University of Milan), On the Semantic Evaluation in Gettier Cases
12:00-12:45 Laura Celani (University of St. Andrews), Epistemic Paradoxes and Bridge Principles



14:45-16:00 Mind, Aula Motzo – Chair: Carla Bagnoli (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
Keynote speaker:
Sarah Sawyer (University of Sussex), Minds and MoralsAula Motzo

Coffee break


Section A, Aula Motzo – Epistemology and Philosophy of MindChair: Pietro Storari (University of Cagliari) Section B, Aula 6 – Logic and Philosophy of ScienceChair: José Gil Férez (University of Cagliari)
16:30-17:15 Davide Costa (University of Turin), Is Loar’s Case a Threat for Social Externalism?  Gaetano Albergo (University of Catania), There is no Such a Thing as A Priori Knowledge that is Certain Knowledge of Incompatibilities
17:15-18:00 Gabriele Ferretti (University of Urbino), Externalism, Enactive Approach and Canonic Neurons

Social Dinner


Wednesday 18th September 2013


Section A, Aula Motzo – Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind
Chair: Cristina Amoretti (University of Genoa)
Section B, Aula 6 – Logic and Philosophy of ScienceChair: Giuseppe Sergioli (University of Cagliari)
 9:30-10:15 Sumesh Mullassery Kettil (University of Delhi, India), When the push of derivations come to the shove of representations: A case for derivational framework of cognition Andreas Fjellstad (Northern Institute of Philosophy, Aberdeen),Tonking Around: An Exercise in Conceptual Economy
10:15-11:00 Susana Monsò (UNED, Madrid), Does Empathy Require a Theory of Mind? Vasil Penchev (Institute for Philosophical Research, Sofia), Quantum Computer on a Turing Machine

Coffee break


11:30-12:15 Francesco Marchi (Ruhr Universität Bochum), Top-down Processes in Visual Object Perception: an Extended Version of the Intermediate Level Hypothesis Emilia Barile (Università San Raffaele, Milan), The Puzzling Concept of “Representation” in Neuroscience

Final address

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