Here as promised are the two short descriptions!”
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Name, date/period/ made of/discovered
1. The Egyptian priest Hornedjitef’s coffin dates back to around 240BC/ the Ptolemaic period and is made of wood, gesso and gold. It was discovered in Asasif .
Details about the object
2.The coffin is made up of a black outer case, an inner case and the mummy itself. The coffin is covered with hieroglyphic inscriptions giving information about the priest and there is a on painted map of the heavens painted on the lid of his coffin to help him on his journey to the afterlife. The coffin was like a time machine for Hornedjitef to help him on his journey to the afterlife; it actually brought him back to this world.
Current location
3.Hornedjitef’s coffin is currently located in the British Museum, London. It arrived here in 1835.
Name, date/period/ made of/discovered
The Rosetta Stone dates back to 196BC and is a black basalt slab. It was discovered by one of Napoleon’s soldiers in 1799 near the town of Rosetta (hence the name).
Details about the object
The stone is inscribed with three different forms of writing: Egyptian hieroglyphics, demotic and ancient Greek. The Rosetta stone is extremely important because it provided the key for the deciphering of Egyptian hieroglyphics.
Current location
The Rosetta stone is currently located in the British Museum, London.
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