BL2 (Biosafety Level 2) Protein Misfolding Laboratory


Home Research Offices and LaboratoriesLaboratories MonserratoProtein Misfolding Lab. BL2 (Biosafety Level 2)

Specifications: Lab. specialized  to handle non conventional infectious agents  which cause protein misfolding diseases.

Equipment available: 1 Laminar Flow Cabinet, 1 CO2 Incubator, 1 Refrigerator (+4/-20 °C), 1 Minicentrifuge, 1 Inverted Microscope, 1 FPLC, 1 Thermostatic Bath.

Laboratori BL2

Year of acquisition: 2004.

Responsabible: Prof. Alessandra Pani

Ownership: Department of  Biomedical Sciences and Technologies Section of  General Microbiology and Virology & Microbial Biotechnologies, University of Cagliari

Main applications:

♦ Design and evaluation of natural and synthesis compounds for anti-protein misfolding activity (Alzheimer ed Encefalopatie).

♦ Study of their mechanism of action.

♦ Evaluation of the effect of alterations in the metabolic/traffic of cholesterol on the  protein misfolding process.

♦ Evaluation of anti-protein misfolding activity of cholesterol metabolism inhibitors, alone or in combination with anti- protein misfolding compounds.

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contatti | accessibilità Università degli Studi di Cagliari
C.F.: 80019600925 - P.I.: 00443370929
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