BL3 (Biosafety Level 3) Laboratories


Home Research Offices and LaboratoriesLaboratories MonserratoLaboratory BL3 (Biosafety Level 3)

Specifications: Labs. specialized to handle laboratory strains and clinical isolates of biosafety level 3 viruses and bacteria.

Equipment available: 4 Laminar Flow Cabinets, 5 Incubators CO2, 1 Autoclave, 1 Refrigerator (+4/-20 °C), 1 Freezer (-80 °C), 1 Centrifuge, 1 Minicentrifuge, 2 Spectrophotometers for mw, 1 Spectrophotometer, 1 Inverted Microscope, 1 Plate Washer, 1 Termoblock, 1 Thermostatic Bath, 1 Analytic balance.

Laboratori BL3 Laboratori BL3

Year of acquisition: 1999
Responsible: Dr. Roberta Loddo

Ownership: Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies Section of General Microbiology and Virology & Microbial Biotechnologies, University of Cagliari

Main applications:
♦ Growth and titration of biosafety level 3 viruses (BL3): Retroviruses (laboratori strains and clinical isolates of HIV-1 and HIV-2); Flaviviruses (Dengue, West Nile, HCV-2a).
♦ Evaluation of cytotoxicity (CC50) and of antiviral activity (EC50) of natural and synthesis compounds: cytopathogenic assays (CP), and Elisa (p24).
♦ Selection of drug-resistant mutants and studies of cross-resistance.
♦ Growth and evaluation of antimicobacteric activity (Mycobacterium tuberculosis).

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