Framework and Aims


The University of Cagliari, Escola Superior Gallaecia, CRATerre-International Research Center on Earth Construction, partners in UNESCO chair – Earth Architecture, and the Regione Autonoma della Sardegna are the organizers and hosts of Mediterra 2009, that will take place froTm the 13-16 March 2009, in Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy. The 1st Mediterranean Conference on Earth Architecture results from a preliminary study completed by ICCROM, CRATerre and GCI, for the purpose of sustaining the conservation and the “mise en valeur” of the Mediterranean earth architectural heritage. The conference marks the beginning of a Mediterranean cooperation on the topics related to earth architecture. The event represents a unique opportunity for exchange and discussion of the achievements acquired on the specific theme as a direct result of the constant and significant work carried-out systematically by the countries facing the Mediterranean Basin.


Mediterra 2009 aims principally to assess the state of research related to earth architecture in the Mediterranean region, to study recent developments in the fields of heritage conservation and architectural design as they relate to earth architecture, and to create more active networks among professionals in the region whose work relates to earth architecture.

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