

Participation with Paper
An Abstract, with no more than 300 words, should be sent by the 30 June 2008. If accepted, a full paper has to be delivered by the 30 September 2008. The norms for the communications can be consulted on the website. The Scientific Commission has the right to request for the paper to be revised, if it is not sent with the adequate quality and accuracy. The paper final delivery must be done by the 15 December 2008. All the papers will be edit on the CD proceedings. Papers of recognized excellence will be selected by the Scientific Commission for publication in the printed proceedings.

Participation with Poster
The abstracts considered for poster by the Scientific Commission, must be printed and delivered at the University of Cagliari, until the 10 March
2009. The posters’ model should be consulted on the website.

30% off for participants coming from non European Union countries
Note: The Registration includes all lunches, coffee-breaks and the CD proceedings (the published proceedings will be offered to the speakers).

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