



R. Saia, L. Boratto, S. Carta. A New Perspective on Recommender Systems: a Class Path Information Model. In Proc. of the Science and Information Conference (SAI), 2015.


M. Manca, L. Boratto, and S. Carta. Friend Recommendation in a Social Bookmarking System: Design and Architecture Guidelines. In Intelligent Systems in Science and Information 2014, 2015.


R. Saia, L. Boratto, S. Carta. A Latent Semantic Pattern Recognition Strategy for an Untrivial Targeted Advertising. In Proc. BigData, 2015.


L. Boratto and S. Carta. ART: Group Recommendation Approaches for Automatically Detected Groups. In International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2015.


L. Boratto and S. Carta. Using Collaborative Filtering to Overcome the Curse of Dimensionality when Clustering Users in a Group Recommender System. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), 2014.

L. Boratto and S. Carta. Modeling the Preferences of a Group of Users Detected by Clustering – a Group Recommendation Case-Study. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS’14), 2014.

M. Manca, L. Boratto, and S. Carta. Design and Architecture of a Friend Recommender System in the Social Bookmarking Domain. In Proceedings of the Science and Information Conference 2014, 2014.

L. Boratto and S. Carta. Impact of Content Novelty on the Accuracy of a Group Recommender System. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK 2014), 2014.

M. Manca, L. Boratto, S. Carta. Mining User Behavior in a Social Bookmarking System: a Delicious Friend Recommender System. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications (DATA 2014), 2014.

R. Saia, L. Boratto, S. Carta. Semantic Coherence-based User Profile Modeling in the Recommender Systems Context. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR), 2014.

L. Boratto and S. Carta. The Rating Prediction Task in a Group Recommender System that Automatically Detects Groups: Architectures, Algorithms, and Performance Evaluation. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 2014.


L. Boratto and S. Carta. Exploring the Ratings Prediction Task in a Group Recommender System that Automatically Detects Groups. In Proc. IMMM 2013, 3rd Int. Conf. on Advances in Information Mining and Management, 2013.

M. Manca, L. Boratto and S. Carta. Producing Friend Recommendations in a Social Bookmarking System by Mining Users Content. In Proc. IMMM 2013, 3rd Int. Conf. on Advances in Information Mining and Management, 2013.

F. Mulas, P. Pilloni, M. Manca, L. Boratto, S. Carta. Linking Human-Computer Interaction with the Social Web: a Web Application to Improve Motivation in the Exercising Activity of Users. In Proc. 4th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunicaitons (CogInfoCom’13), 2013.

F. Mulas, P. Pilloni, M. Manca, L. Boratto, S. Carta. Using New Communication Technologies and Social Media Interaction to Improve the Motivation of Users to Exercise. In Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Future Generation Communication Technologies (FGCT 2013), 2013.

L. Boratto, S. Carta, M. Manca, F. Mulas, P. Pilloni, G.M. Pinna, and E. Vargiu. A Clustering Approach for Tag Recommendation in Social Environments. International Journal of E-Business Development, 3(3), 2013.



F. Mulas, S. Carta, P. Pilloni, and L. Boratto. Everywhere run: a virtual personal trainer for supporting people in their running activity. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 75–79, February 2013.



L. Boratto and S. Carta. State-of-the-Art in Group Recommendation and New Approaches for Automatic Identification of Groups. In Information Retrieval and Mining in Distributed Environments. Studies for Computational Intelligence, Springer Verlag, 2010.

L. Boratto, S. Carta, and M. Satta. Groups Identification and Individual Recommendations in Group Recommendation Algorithms. In Proc. Workshop on the Practical Use of Recommender Systems, Algorithms and Technologies (PRSAT), 2010.



L. Boratto, S. Carta, A. Chessa, M. Agelli, M.L. Clemente. Group recommendation with automatic identification of users communities. In Proc. IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT), 2009.

L. Boratto, S. Carta, E. Vargiu. RATC. A Robust Automated Tag Clustering Technique. In E-Commerce and Web Technologies. In Proc. EC-Web 09, LNCS 5692, Springer-Verlang, 2009.

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