Call for selection


Call for selection

Call for selection of 45 participants

Aims and contents
Workshop aims are exploration of ways and meanings to project landascape in a context of Sardinia island characterized by low population density, depopulation, small urban structures with significant historical values and a connective rural landscape, everything with strong characters of local identity. According to the Regional Landscape Plan (Piano Paesaggistico Regionale) and to the planning of the Union of Municipalities of Marmilla, the workshop propose three projects themes: rehabilitation of historical centres, landscape for living, land art/landmark – new signs for landscape of history and nature and new signs and architectures for tourism.
Participants will be confronted with these issues, trying to investigate the ways in which tourism can activate processes for sustainable development in these contexts. The initiative will take place in Villanovaforru on may 19 – 25 and in Cagliari on may 26- 29.

Official Languages: Italian and English.

Participation in the workshop and entry requirements
This call aims at selecting a total of 45 workshop participants, Italian or foreigners holding a university degree in Civil Engineering or Architectural Engineering, Architecture or similar degrees, plus a few selected undergraduates nearing graduation, with experiences in these fields.
Partecipants will be selected on the basis of their CVs and informations attached to their application. Applications forms can be downloaded from:
Applicants are required to send applications and curricula to the workshop’s secretariat by email to:, no later than 12.00 hrs of April 21, 2008.
Each participant is required to bring his/her own notebook PC.

*Organisers reserve the right to increase number of partecipants.

Planned activities
Workshop activities will be planned to:
• may 19/25 – Villanovaforru – didactical activities (lessons, conferences and guided tours of Marmilla) and classroom work;
• may 26/27– Cagliari – classroom work;
• may 28 – Cagliari – Preparation of exhibition panels;
• may 29 – Cagliari – International Conference “Ideas and projects for the rural landscape. Scenarios for tourism in Marmilla”.

The workshop will run for a total of 100 hours, including lessons, conferences, debates, screenings, guided tours, project presentation and discussion, design under the guidance of tutores. Participants will receive an attendance certificate.
While confirming the overall number of hours, organisers reserve the right to alter their allocation to the various activities, the teacher roster and sites of teaching activities.

Structuring of the workshop and teaching staff
Workshop participants will be divided into 9 groups, each with 5 participants. Each group will be led by a project officer assisted by a tutor. These staff members make up the project design staff, which will be present in the classrooms each day of the workshop.
Guidelines for project development, coordination of the different steps, progress assessment and summary of outputs will be provided by workshop coordinators through general supervision of scientific Committee.

Scientific Committee
Carlo Aymerich, Emanuela Abis, Enrico Corti, Giancarlo Deplano, Bruno Gabrielli, Roberto Gambino, Andreas Kipar, Pasquale Mistretta, Carlo Monti, Antonello Sanna.

Organisational Structure
Project Coordinators, highly qualified experts with cross-cutting skills in sectors covered by the project: urban and architectural restoration, infrastructure and urban landscaping projects, building renovation and sustainability technologies.
Tutores, freelance professionals with a degree in architecture, in civil engineering or architectural engineering, with experience in the running of teaching workshops at university level or similar workshop activities. Classroom tutors lead workshop activities and support students in project development.

Applicants will be selected by a Commission comprising the workshop coordinators and professors of the University of Cagliari. Suitable applicants will be enrolled in a provisional list pending confirmation of payment of their registration fee (see next para) or notice of their withdrawal.

Registration Fee
The registration fee is established at € 450,00 and covers participation in all workshop activities, basic information material, spending the nights and meals in Marmilla and in Cagliari. Informations about the accommodation will be sent.

Selected applicants will be notified by the faculty of Architecture of Cagliari no later than May 2, 2008 and will be required to pay their registration fee no later than 13 May, 2008, forwarding proof of payment to the secretariat’s e-mail address:
Payments must be made specifying the causal (entrance fee, workshop in Marmilla, may 19-29 2008) to the following bank account: Banco di Sardegna ABI 01015 – CAB 04800 – CCB n. 00000043225 – codice IBAN: IT45K0101504800000000043225 – codice BIC: SARDIT3SXXX.

For any further details, please contact the Secretary:
Fiammetta Sau Mobile: +39 349 5741018
Claudia Palmas Mobile: +39 348 8938345
Phone: +39 070 6755359
Fax. +39 070 6755215

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