Workshop program (EN)


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Cagliari and the old city: ancient wounds and a new meaning

International Workshop of Architectural and Urban Restoration

10-22, September 2007


Actually very often emerges the presence of gaps in the fabric of the old towns, caused by traumatic interventions. Big and small empty spaces represent the cause of urban disqualification.

The international workshop aims to represent an occasion to think about the unexpressed potentialities of the ancient city of Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy), reflecting about three emblematic cases: S. Francesco cloister in Stampace, the interrupted block of houses between S. Domenico’s church and via S. Giacomo in Villanova and the demolished block between via Fara and via S. Margherita in Stampace. Starting from the deep comprehension of the historical essence of the analysed spaces, the aim is the re-definition of its urban image.

The workshop will be accompanied by a debate conducted by experts and institutions on restoration and project on the old city.

The event will have place in Cagliari, Faculty of Architecture of the University of Cagliari, in the building of the Department of Architecture, in via Corte d’Appello 87.


The workshop aims to explore the three case-study, to express their architectural value and to delineate their new rule in the valorization of the public space where they are located.

It will be divided in three phases:

  • September, 10-13 – illustration of the morphology of sites, of the history an of the urban and architectural evolution of the cases-study, in relation with the main cultural and practical questions that every group of students will have to confront;

  • September, 14-15 – international conference that will support the project phase, thanks to the participation of professors of restoration, project, public officers, professional men.

  • September, 17-21 – elaboration of projects.

The projects will be presented in a public exhibition on September, 22, and then they will be published on a volume.




10 mon

Laboratory work

11 tue

12 wed

13 thu

14 fri

International Conference

15 sat

17 mon

Laboratory work

18 tue

19 wed

20 thu

21 fri

Scientific committee: Carlo Aymerich, Serafino Casu, Enrico Corti, Giancarlo Deplano, Giuseppe Fiengo, Stefano Gizzi, Luigi Guerriero, Tatiana K. Kirova, Luigi Massidda, Antonello Sanna, Paolo Scarpellini, Antonello Tramontin.

Organizing commitee: Caterina Giannattasio, Cesarina Siddi.

Project coordinators di progetto: Professors and professional men with research, didactic and professional experience, in the field of conservation, restoration, project: Carla Bartolomucci, Marco Cadinu, Caterina Giannattasio, Paolo Margaritella, Stefano Montinari, Paolo Sanjust, Cesarina Siddi.

Tutors: Professional men with didactic and tutorial experience: Carlo Atzeni, Barbara Cadeddu, Gianbattista Cocco, Donatella Rita Fiorino, Sara Mucelli, Luigi Rondinella.

Coordination: Caterina Giannattasio.

Requisites of participation: The workshop is open to 30 graduated students and final year students in Architecture and Engineering.

The participants will be selected on the bases of curriculum vitae and of the list of exams, in coherence with the application form, published on the website The application form, the curriculum vitae and the list of exams must be sent by e-mail to the address: before July 19, 2007.

Selection: The selection of the participants will be made by a commission composed by professors of the University of Cagliari.

The candidates admitted will be inserted in a temporary list, till the confirmation of the payment of the inscription contribution.

Inscription contribution: The contribution is of 300,00 euros, and it includes a meal per day, the participation to all the activities of the workshop, of didactic and informative dossier and of a copy of the volume where the projects drawn up will be published. Information about the accommodation will be sent.

Inscription: The participants selected will receive a communication by Faculty of Architecture of Cagliari before July, 24 2007. In this case the student will have to pay the inscription contribution before July, 30 2007, sending a copy of the payment receipt to the e-mail address The paying will be done specifying the causal “Quota di iscrizione workshop Cagliari e la città storica 10-22 settembre 2007) on the following bank account: Banco di Sardegna ABI 01015 – CAB 04800 – CCB n. 43225 – IBAN: IT45K0101504800000000043225 – BIC: sardit3sxxx.

Credits: The participation to the workshop gives the right to the attribution of 8 formative credits.

Segreteria: Fiammetta Sau, Sara Sorrentino – Dipartimento di Architettura – Facoltà di Architettura dell’Università di Cagliari. Via Corte d’Appello 87- 09124 Cagliari – tel. +39 070 6755358/5359 +39 349 5741018 – e-mail

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