


Dr. Eng. Carlo Piga, PhD

+39 070 6755174


Sex Male | Date of birth 25/10/1976 | Nationality Italian






 from 07/2013, ongoing

Research Technician (Funzionario Tecnico)

University of Cagliari (

  Geophysical  Research Laboratory Staff

Business or sector Research



 from 02/12/2012, to 06/2013

Research Grant (Assegno di ricerca art. 22, Legge 240/2010)

University of Cagliari (

  Geophysical  Research Fellowship

Business or sector Research



 from 15/01/2010, to 15/01/2012

Research Grant (Beneficiario Borse “Giovani Ricercatori” Legge Regionale 7 Agosto 2007, N. 7)

Regione Autonoma della Sardegna – University of Cagliari (

  Micro-Geophysical  Research Activities

Business or sector Research



 from 02/06/2008, to 03/06/2009

Research Grant (Assegno di ricerca art. 51, comma 6, Legge 27 Dicembre 1997, n. 449)

University of Cagliari (

  Geophysical  Research Fellowship

Business or sector Research



 from 12/12/2008, to 30/12/2008

Research Term Contract (Collaborazione alla ricerca)

Sardegna Ricerche (

  Simulation of spectral centroid tomography (simulazione della tomografia del centroide spettrale progetto “Tool per una diagnostica strutturale non invasiva”)

Business or sector Research



 from 07/12/2007, to 06/03/2008

Research Term Contract (Collaborazione alla ricerca)

University of Cagliari (

  Geophysic Data processing (Esecuzione di trattamento dati nelle zone di Nora, Mozia e Pollentia progetto di ricerca FIRB 2003 “Sviluppo e applicazione di metodi geofisici nelle ricerche archeologiche in aree costiere e nella messa a punto di apparati mobili in terre e acqua”)

Business or sector Research



 from 02/05/2007, to 16/06/2007

Research Term Contract (Collaborazione alla ricerca)

University of Cagliari (

  Geophysic Data processing (Analisi di dati geoelettrici ed inversione 3D  ricerca “Caratterizzazione geofisica del sito della discarica comunale di rifiuti urbani in loc. BaccasaraBacchidda”)

Business or sector Research



 from 10/09/2004, to 09/12/2004

Research Term Contract (Collaborazione alla ricerca)

University of Cagliari (

  Geophysic Data processing ( Supporto alla ricerca PRIN 2003 “Metodi microgeofisici per lo studio della vulnerabilità degli edifici”)



Business or sector Research













PhD in Land Engineering SSD GEO-11 (Applied geophysics)


University of Cagliari (Italy)

  Applied geophysics, research, participation in international conference and didactical activities






University Degree (MSc level) in Civil  Structural Engineering

(final evaluation of 110/110 cum Laude)


University of Cagliari (Italy)

  Design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment












 Mother tongue(s)




 Other language(s)






Spoken interaction

Spoken production











Levels: A1/A2: Basic user – B1/B2: Independent user – C1/C2 Proficient user

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages



















 Honours and awards








·     C. PIGA, G. RANIERI, Italian patent “Metodo ed apparato per determinare l’impronta termica di un materiale o oggetto” N° 0001421733



Book Chapters


·     B. DE NICOLO, C. PIGA, V. POPESCU, G. CONCU, “Non invasive acoustic measurements for faults detecting in building materials and structures”, Applied Measurement Systems, pag. 259-292, Edited by Md. Zahurul Haq, ISBN 978-953-51-0103-1, 402 pages, Publisher: InTech, Chapters published February 24, 2012 under CC BY 3.0 license, DOI: 10.5772/2360


·     L. PIRODDI, F. LODDO, A. TROGU, C. PIGA, S. CALCINA, G. RANIERI, “Indagini termografiche e multispettrali da pallone aerostatico”, pp. 121-129, 2015, Carlo Delfino Editore

·     G. RANIERI, A. TROGU, F. LODDO, L. PIRODDI, S. CALCINA, C. PIGA, M. SITZIA, L. NOLI, “Integrazione dei metodi, risultati e feedback archeologici”, pp. 142-147, 2015, Carlo Delfino Editore


Journal Articles (Peer review)


·     G. RANIERI, A. TROGU, L. PIRODDI, S.V. CALCINA, F. LODDO, C. PIGA, R. ZUCCA, A. USAI, P. BERNARDINI, P. SPANU, E. USAI, B. PANICO, A. SCARPA, L. TOCCO, F. CAPUTO, C. NOCCO, S. ATZORI, “The new archaelogy. From remote sensing to archaelogical digging in quasi-real time. The case of Monte Prama (Cabras, Sardinia, Italy)”, Archaelogia Polona, Volume 53 (2015), 635-639, ISSN: 0066-5924


·     C. PIGA, L. PIRODDI, E. POMPIANU, G. RANIERI, S. STOCCO, A. TROGU, “Integrated Geophysical and Aerial Sensing Methods for Archaeology: A Case History in the Punic Site of Villamar (Sardinia, Italy), Remote Sensing, Remote Sens. 2014, 6, 10986-11012; doi:10.3390/rs61110986, ISSN: 2072-4292


·     H. BELGHAZAL, C. PIGA, F. LODDO, J. STITOU EL MESSARI, A.OUAZANI TOUHAM, “Geophysical surveys for the characterization of landfills”, 2013, International journal of innovation and applied studies, ISSN 2028-9324 Vol. 4 No. 2, Oct. 2013, pp. 254-263


·     F. TRABELSI, A. BEN MAMMOU, J. TARHOUNI, C. PIGA, G. RANIERI, “Delineation of saltwater intrusion zones using the time domain electromagnetic method: the Nabeul–Hammamet coastal aquifer case study (NE Tunisia)”, Hydrological Processes, Hydrol. Process. 27, 2004–2020 (2013), Published online 23 May 2012 in Wiley Online Library, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9354



·     G. RANIERI, R. DEIANA, C. PIGA, “Non-contact Micro-Geophysical measurements in the study of wall structures”, Environmental Semeiotics (2008) 1(2) 154-176, DOI 10.3383/es.1.2.1


·     G. RANIERI, L. SHARPE, A. TROGU, C. PIGA, “Time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography to delineate mud structures in archaeological prospections”, Near Surface Geophysics, Volume 5, Issue 6, December 2007, Pages 375-382, ISSN: 15694445













 Honours and awards






Conference Papers (1/2)


·     G. CONCU, B. DE NICOLO, C. PIGA, N. TRULLI, “Numerical processing of infrared thermography data in a concrete element”, WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, Vol. 87, 2014 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3533, doi:10.2495/AMITP20130471


·     G. CONCU, B. DE NICOLO, H. BELGHAZAL, C. PIGA, “Feasibility of 2D and 3D electrical resistivity tomography in a concrete wall by means of synthetic and measured data”, WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, Vol. 87, 2014 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3533, doi:10.2495/AMITP20130041


·     TROGU, G. RANIERI, C. PIGA, L. PIRODDI, “Gravity survey: a tool for urban planning”, Proceedings of the seventh international conference on informatics and urban and regional planning INPUT 2012


·     G. CONCU, B. DE NICOLO, C. PIGA, N. TRULLI, “Infrared thermography applications for the quality control of concrete elements strengthened with FRP”, 2012, Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting III – Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting, ICCRRR 2012, pp. 772-776


·     G. CONCU, B. DE NICOLO, D. MELONI, N. TRULLI, C. PIGA, “Infrared thermography and ultrasound techniques for detecting FRP – concrete adhesion problems”, 2010, Advances and Trends in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation – Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, SEMC 2010, pp. 1187-1190.


·     G. CONCU, B. DE NICOLO, C. PIGA AND V. POPESCU, “Measurement System for Non-Destructive Testing using Ultrasonic Tomography Spectral Attenuation”, 2010, 12th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, OPTIM 2010


·     L. PIRODDI, G. RANIERI, M. MANCONI, C. PIGA, G.P. DEIDDA, F. LODDO, H. BELGHAZAL, “Synergical use of passive and active methods to reconstruct the subsoil in urban areas”, Near Surface 2009 – 15th EAGE European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.20147075


·     G.CONCU, B. DE NICOLO, C. PIGA, V. POPESCU, “Non-destructive testing of stone masonry using acoustic attenuation tomography imaging”, Civil-Comp Press, 2009, Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing.


·     G. RANIERI, G.P. DEIDDA, F.LODDO, C.PIGA, A. CASAS, “Geophysical characterisation of hazardous industrial and urban waste sites”, 1st International Conference in Hazardous Waste Management, At Chania, Crete, Greece, October 2008


·     TROGU, G. RANIERI, C. PIGA, F. LODDO, “Vulnerability control of old towns by means of gravity measurements”, Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida, 26° Convegno Nazionale, 13-15 Novembre 2007

·     PIGA, F. LODDO, G. RANIERI, “Tomografie termiche nello studio di strutture murarie e di strati archeologici”, Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida, 26° Convegno Nazionale, 13-15 Novembre 2007

·     G. RANIERI, G.P. DEIDDA, F. LODDO, C. PIGA, A. MANOS, P.L. COSENTINO, P. CAPIZZI, G. FIANDACA, R. MARTORANA, P. MESSINA, I. RAZO AMOROZ, A. GODIO, S. STOCCO, C. CORSELLI, G. CASSIANI, V. BRUNO, A. SAVINI, “Primi risultati delle indagini geofisiche nei siti archeologici di Mozia (Sicilia Occidentale) e Pollentia (Isola di Maiorca). Progetto firb 2003 – Ricostruzione e valorizzazione del paesaggio archeologico inambiente costiero mediterraneo tramite tecnologie innovative non invasive”, Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida, 26° Convegno Nazionale, 13-15 Novembre 2007













 Honours and awards






Conference Papers (2/2)


·     G.P. DEIDDA, F. LODDO, C. PIGA, G. RANIERI, “Geophysical characterisation of an abandoned waste disposal site near an area of environmental interest”, 10th International Congress of The Brazilian Geophysical Society held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 19-22 November 2007


·     F. LODDO, G.P. DEIDDA, G. RANIERI, C. PIGA, A. MANOS, “Caratterizzazione geofisica di materiali e strati archeologici”, Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida, 26° Convegno Nazionale, Riassunti Estesi delle Comunicazione, ISBN: 88-902101-2-5

·     C. PIGA, G. FIANDACA, F. LODDO, R. MARTORANA, “Valutazione di differenti quadripoli e sequenze di misura per tomografie elettriche in contesti industriali e costieri”, Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida, 25° Convegno Nazionale, Riassunti Estesi delle Comunicazione, 28-30 Novembre 2006

·     F. TRABELSI, A. BEN MAMMOU, J. TARHOUNI, C. PIGA, G.P. DEIDDA, G. RANIERI, “Salt Water intrusion characterisation in the Coastal Aquifer of Nabeul Hammamet Using Geophysical Methods”, Proceedings 1st SWIM-SWICA Joint Saltwater Intrusion Conference, Cagliari-Chia Laguna, Italy – September 24-29, 2006


·     G. RANIERI, A. TROGU, C. PIGA, E. COSSU, A. ECCA, A. PINTUS, “Gravity survey in the study of vulnerability of old town”, Near Surface 2006 – 12th EAGE European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 04 September 2006


·     C. PIGA, G. RANIERI, R. DEIANA, “First Results from Thermal Tomography in the Study of Wall Structures and Archaeological Layers”, Near Surface 2006 – 12th EAGE European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 04 September 2006, DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201402643


·     G. RANIERI, S. ERRIU, C. PIGA, F. TRABELSI, J. TARHOUNI, F. EL AMRI, “Monitoraggio dell’intrusione salina nell’acquifero di Nabeul-Hammamet (Tunisia) attraverso i metodi tdem ed mt”, Gruppo Nazionale di Geofisica della Terra Solida, 24° Convegno Nazionale, Riassunti Estesi delle Comunicazione, 15-17 Novembre 2005

·     G. RANIERI, R. DEIANA, C. PIGA, D. SALVI, A. TROGU, “GPR Prospection and Time Lapse Electrical Resistivity Tomography to Delineate Low Contrast Structures in an Archaeological Site”, Near Surface 2005 – 11th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 04 September 2005 









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