Online registration


Online registration procedure to the entrance selection for the PhD programmes XXVII cycle University of Cagliari

In order to complete the procedure you will need: internet connection, a printer,
and Adobe Reader®.
Step 1 – Internet connection
a) Go to:
b) Go to the homepage of the University of Cagliari click on “Iscrizioni e servizi online” (left menu), click on “Servizi online per gli studenti” and then “Vai ai Servizi online per gli studenti”.

Step 2  – Registration
(only if you are not a student of the University of Cagliari; if you are already a student of the University skip to step 3)

Click on “Registrazione” (left menu) and fill in with
-personal data: first name, last name, date of birth, gender, citizenship, place of birth, Italian tax identification number;
– permanent address, current address for the entrance selection purpose, email, fax number, mobile;

At the end of the procedure a user ID and password are provided. If you have reported an email address, the login information will be sent to your email address. If no email address has been reported, print or write down the information of your login.

Step3 – Access to the reserved area and to online services
Go to:
Click on login ( left menu) and type your user ID and password received after step 2.
If you are already a student of the University of Cagliari, type in capital letter your Italian tax identification number as user ID and your PIN as password. If you do not remember your user ID and password go back to and click on “Recupero delle credenziali (Password e nome utente)” and follow instructions.

Step 4 – Registration to the admission test
-click on “Segreteria” (left menu)
-click on “Test di ammissione” ( new page)
-click on “Iscrizione”
-click on “Corso di dottorato” and select the PhD course of interest from the list available
– click on “iscriviti” (top right)

The procedure will request you:
-to make an explicit reference if special assistance is required
-degree awarded (only for foreign students or for students not of the University of Cagliari)

Once the registration is completed, candidates may print it.

Step 5 – Payment of the entrance exam fee of € 21.00
In order to complete the enrolment to the entrance examination, applicants must pay a fee of € 21.00 according to one of the method below the second day after the online registration:
– online by credit card;
– directly at the cash dispenser of the bank Banco di Sardegna;
– directly at any branch of the bank Banco di Sardegna by credit card or cash.

The receipt of the payment of the application fee of € 21,00 must be attached to the application with other required documents.

Additional information on “how to pay University fees” are available at and (only in Italian) at
Your registration data may be modified at any time by connecting to
1) login
2) click on “Home” (left menu)
3) click on “anagrafica”

For further support please email :

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C.F.: 80019600925 - P.I.: 00443370929
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