Peruzzi Luisa


Short Biography 

Born in Florence in 1983, in 2006, she received his Bachelor in Philosophy at the University of Florence and in 2012 she received the Master in Logic, Philosophy and History of Science at the same University, under the supervision of Professor Pierluigi Minari.

Since November 2014 she is Ph.D. student at the University of Cagliari, under the supervision of Professor Francesco Paoli. She is also teaching assistent for bachelor courses in logic (Communication Studies).

She is member of Association for Symbolic Logic, SILFS (Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science) and teacher of Logic for NAJS Education.


Research Interests

  • Algebras of logic
  • Algebraic logic
  • Non classical logics
  • Universal algebra


e-mail: luisa[underscore]peruzzi[at]virgilio[dot]it

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