Research Lines


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Antiviral activity
Main research lines in the antiviral chemotherapy field.

Rational development of antiviral agents through evaluation in cell-based assays of new derivatives whose design has been driven by SAR studies and, when appropriate, in silico prediction. .
Target identification through time of addition assays, expression and purification of putative target enzymes and validation through IC50 determination in known or innovative enzyme assays. .
• Definition of the molecular bases of drug resistance through in vitro selection of mutants, definition of their cross-resistance patterns, genome sequencing to identify mutations responsible for resistance and localization of mutations in the 3D target enzyme structure and evaluation of mechanistic consequences.
In silico studies through molecular docking and automated docking methods for studying the interaction of drugs with putative binding sites; molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to calculate free binding energies; modeling of drug-enzyme interactions for in silico prediction of IC50 and design of new molecules, using advanced simulation software.

Microbial biotechnologies

Main research lines in industrial and environmental biotechnologies.

• Analysis and monitoring of microbial communities responsible for the degradation and transformation of pollutants during bioremediation and phytoremediation of soils and waters contaminated by heavy metals and hydrocarbons.

•  Analysis of microbial diversity in natural environments for the development of biotechnological processes for the production of biosurfactants and bioemulsifiers.

• In vitro evaluation of the antibacterial and antifungal activities of synthetic and natural compounds.

• Study of pectinolitic bacteria and pectinases for applications in textile industry.

More recent research lines on other topics are the following:

• Relationships between cholesterol homeostasis and protein misfolding/aggregation in Prion models in vitro and Alzheimer patients.

• Development of anti-protein misfolding/aggregation compounds and study of their mode of action.

 Scritto da alle 10:18
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C.F.: 80019600925 - P.I.: 00443370929
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