Cell Culture Lab. BL2 (Biosafety Level 2)


Home Research Offices and LaboratoriesLaboratories Macchiareddu Cell Culture Lab. BL2 (Biosafety Level 2)

Specifications: Lab. specialized for the growth of cell lines derived from haematological and solid human tumors and  in the evaluation of antiproliferative activity of chemical and natural compounds.

Equipment available: 4 Laminar Flow Cabinets, 4 CO2 Incubators, 1 Inverted Microscope, 1 Spectrophotometer for mw, 1 Thermostatic Bath.

Laboratori BL3 Laboratori BL3

Year of aquisition: 2004.

Responsibles: Dr. Elisabetta Busonera

Ownership: Department of  Biomedical Sciences and Technologies Section of  General Microbiology and Virology & Microbial Biotechnologies, University of Cagliari

Main applications:

♦   Maintenance and growth of cell lines derived from haematological and solid human tumors:

Human tumor cell lines:

–        CEM (CD4+ derived from acute Leukemia T-lynphoblastic cells)

–        WILL (B spleen limphoblastoid cells)

–        SB (acute Leukemia B limphoblastic cells)

–        SKMEL-28 (skin melanoma)

–        MCF-7 (breast adenocarcinoma)

–        SKMES-1 (lung squamous carcinoma)

–        Hep-G2 (hepatocellular carcinoma)

–        DU-145 (prostate carcinoma)

Cell lines derived from “normal” human tissues:

–        CRL-7065 (skin fibroblasts)

–        MRC-5 (lung fibroblasts)

♦  Evaluation of antiproliferative activity of natural and synthesis compounds.

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